

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Sun Mar 6 02:52:46 2016

    Ok at least I figure out that it happens if there is a civilian module at the same time, but I will try figure out a fix. I will appreciate any additional input.

  2. Sun Mar 6 02:35:50 2016
    I iwanado started the conversation Military logistics buggy? Takistan (SOLVED).

    Ok this is my issue: I am trying to create a map of 3 sides at war. Two of them occupational and one asymmetric. Each side has its own TAOR and they work fine. The problem starts when I place military logistics because it seems that there is some conflict (A black box appears with some text that I cannot comprehend). So, my question would be that if there is a way to fix this issue? or what happens if I don't place the military logistics? Would that mean that my forces and enemy won't re spawn again? In addition, I did not use this module on the asymmetric faction. Thank you in advance.

  3. Sun Mar 6 02:08:07 2016

    Ok I will try it thank you

  4. Mon Feb 29 02:59:00 2016
    I iwanado started the conversation Custom Blacklist not working? (SOLVED).

    So this is my issue, I have tried to use the group of codes provided in the Wiki: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Custom_Blacklists

    But it seems that is not working. Maybe I am doing something wrong, I don't know. Could someone post a picture or a video of how I am suppose to do it? I will appreciate it. As an additional info, I am using the "Leights OPFOR Pack OFFICIAL". The faction is ISTS, and the unit is Corpsman. The way how I am doing is by writing in the Init square of the ALiVE (required) the following line: ALIVE_MODULE_BLACKLIST = [LOP_ISTS_Infantry_Corpsman], I have also tried this one: ALiVE_PLACEMENT_CUSTOM_UNITBLACKLIST = [LOP_ISTS_Infantry_Corpsman], as a last move I tried to paste this lines in other modules with no result.

  5. Mon Feb 29 02:41:49 2016

    well I found this on the wiki:
    But it did not work, at least for me. Maybe because I am using custom unit, but I did not try with the vanilla units.

  6. Mon Feb 29 02:36:04 2016
    I iwanado joined the forum.