Last active 8 years ago
@HeroesandvillainsOS Yes it's just a PBO. You need to put it in the MP Missions folder in your Arma root. So by default, program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma3\MPMissions
The missions/mpmissions folder over in documents is for unpacked PBO's to open in the editor.
Tried this out and its much more friendly with what you have added. I was wondering tho if there is a way to change the AI skill for this mission. Or would I just change it as normal by hitting esc? This AI is insane sometimes haha.
Ahh ok sorry about that, I'll try it tonight then.
@HeroesandvillainsOS s
Cool I tried the first download you gave me but i did something wrong and it wouldnt show up. The download is just a pbo file right? where do I save it and how do i load off it? Before i saved it in my docs in my profile MP missions folder but it wouldnt show.
Thank you sir, that does answer it. I actually was looking for posts from you and expecting that you made a mission like this already haha. Since the other mission of yours that I played was setup so nicely.
Can't wait for your version, as of now when my squad is being stupid (standing in the street getting wasted) then I die, the missions over.
Playing the example mission from the ALIVE team on Tanoa... I seem to be unable to call in a chopper to pick me up or a CAS. I have the tablet and all that but I dont see the option. Am I just not looking hard enough? Also my friendly troops dont seem to do anything, they just hang out.
Are they not set to invade? The opfor are not invading us either so I am confused.
Looking for some simple missions not needing a bunch of mods outside of steam. I have tried making some myself but I cant ever figure out how to setup a respawn.
I tried some of the main missions made by the alive guys but they seem to be old or stuck or osmething. I will hold a point it says to hold and nothing ever happens after i kill guys there. That and I hardly ever see my own troops fighting.