Last active 8 years ago
@Brawler I5 4690k, 16g ram, gtx 970 gpu. Cpu is overclocked to 4.3 ghz.
Have to try it too.
I have i7-4770K, 16 Gb Ram, GTX 970 BUT no overclock
@Brawler New test, Battle between NATO and CSAT, 800 profiles in total, all modules placed, 30 min battle
Profiles is saved succesfully, their are at the same pos when loading, no crash.
Logistics are saved and loaded with success (Haven't testet logistics number yet)
Tasks are also saved and loaded.Pretty much everything works.
@SpyderBlack723 No problem:-) RAM might be a problem, but i have 16g ram, and i do belive most users have this today, its still at users own risk but it sure looking promesing.
Dude, your spec? XD
The problem is that when I call out for a paradrop in my position for receiving ammo or weapons crate I normally select position and everything in the Tablet, but when I select ammo and crates of RHS Escalation, alive send me the normal NATO crates..
No matter what I selected.
Any ideas?
@HeroesandvillainsOS I personally really don't like the results of anything much lower than the default 144 for the Virtual AI profiles. It really is recommended to first try limiting the amount of profiles you let spawn in the civ/mil obj modules first, by either lowering the amount of spawns (by either dropping the number of units, or increasing the filter of objective seizes), or limiting the size of the active AO.
By all means, see what you think with it at 50. But I think you'll be more pleased by increasing the number, and decreasing the amount of spawned units or active AO size.
Got this! ;)
What I can't understand is why the VisualRange can drop my FPS while near AIs like to 20 FPS and then make FPS turn up to 50/60 without any AI spawned..
Anyway limiting the view to 2.000 meters (instead of 5.000 which i usually used) seems to make me able to have fun ad 40/50 fps!
Hi again! I've resetted the maximum Active profile Number from 15 to 50 and Lowered the Radious Spawn from 1.500 to 900 (the Mission takes Place on Tanoa).
I also had an huge FPS improvment (like from 28 ti 30/45) Lowering the Max Visual range for players from 5.000 to 2.000 using the ingame Player Options Module...
Don't Ask me why.
I have also separated the affinity of both a3server.exe and arma3.exe assigning 4 core to each...
@SpyderBlack723 He's talking about individual, active AI
Ok he's talking about the Mail/Civ Placement units Number...
@Friznit On average I try to keep the number of spawned AI at no more than 120 at any one time, or 200 if running on a headless client..
You Mean GROUPS of AI and no AI Units right?
Hi all (again me XD)
Since I started using the ALiVE System I always wondered myself what settings for the Virtual AI System other players use.
So I ask you this.
In order to play as me, and I mean with your Pc and not on a Heavy Performing Dedicated Machine (like rented ones),
What's Maximum Number for the Active Limiter Parameter do you use? For me is like 20/25
And how many units do you set to be placed by all the modules in a single mission? For me is like 200 Units
How large is the portion of the map in which your missions usually takes place? For me is like all the map XD
@AUTigerGrad Also...I just reread that you play on the same machine that host with your Dedi. That right there is going to affect performance due to your CPU usage and memory usage being much higher right off the bat.
Its fine if you are playing on your own...but I definitely recommend using a separate machine for your dedi if you play with a group of people. Your performance will be much much better.
Off course, im looking forward to buy a new machine for our dedi.. (We are only 4 guys) eheh.
I'll try to set up different affinities for both arma3server.exe and arma3.exe