Bad Quaker


Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Jul 19 16:17:11 2016
    B Bad Quaker posted in Trigger on hostility level?.

    Will I get a picture to stick on my refrigerator of the starving developer I'm supporting?

    (If that reference flew over your head, click here.)

    And thanks @SpyderBlack723. Very clear explanation.

  2. Tue Jul 19 14:37:41 2016
    B Bad Quaker posted in Trigger on hostility level?.

    Another hostility question I've been trying to figure out -- what's the relationship between the cluster hostility we're using here and the sector hostility discussed here?

    It seems like the hostility system is complex enough to where there should possibly be a page on the wiki dedicated to it. If/when I wrap my head around it sufficiently, I could take a first crack.

    Also, Spyder, I just wanted to thank you again for answering my many questions (I've got plenty more on the way, I'm sure!) and for being such an all-around good guy. You've inspired me to donate to the ALiVE project when my next check comes in.

  3. Tue Jul 19 14:22:34 2016
    B Bad Quaker posted in 1.1.1 Released!.

    Thanks to the ALiVE team for your hard work. Donating to support you when my next check comes in.

  4. Tue Jul 19 03:25:45 2016
    B Bad Quaker posted in Trigger on hostility level?.

    inArea and ... areas?
    I apologize for this not being strictly specific to ALiVE, but BI's forums have not yet deemed me worthy/contributory enough to create a new topic for general script troubleshooting, and this issue is related to the original thread I opened here.

    I've been trying to run with Spyder's code and modify it to my mission specifics, but I'm really confused by the relationship between the vanilla inArea command (which is utilized by ALiVE_fnc_inArea) and map area markers. Is inArea not compatible with Area markers? (If so, that feels rather paradoxical). Here's what I'm running into:

    • I set up a map area called testArea in the editor.
    • I also set up a trigger area called testTrigger with essentially the same center point and dimensions
    • I put the player in the dead center of both.
    • I do a test of if (player inArea testArea) then {action} and the action does not trigger.
    • I do a test of if (player inArea testTrigger) then {action} and the action triggers.
    • hint format["%1", (player inArea testArea)]; returns "any"
    • hint format["%1", (player inArea testTrigger)]; returns "true."

    Does inArea seriously not work with with Area markers? Given that these what's used to establish the ALiVE TAoRS, that sucks (on BI, not you guys).

  5. Sun Jul 10 18:07:45 2016
    B Bad Quaker posted in Trigger on hostility level?.

    OK, great -- will test out soon. Thanks for taking a second crack at it, and for the tip about ALiVE_fnc_inspectArray -- sounds like what I was hoping to find.

  6. Sat Jul 9 01:33:11 2016
    B Bad Quaker posted in Trigger on hostility level?.

    Hi @SpyderBlack723 ,

    Still haven't figured this out, but I've been poking around in the functions available via Alive and Arma 3. Can ALIVE_fnc_clustersInsideMarker look for clusters inside a vanilla area defined in the A3 mission editor? Ultimately, that's what would work for me best.

    I feel like I could almost figure this out, but figuring out how to dig through multi-dimensional arrays in Arma is still confusing me. I'm wishing I had something akin to Krumo or var_dump in php to help me better understand the data structure.

  7. Wed Jul 6 12:04:32 2016
    B Bad Quaker posted in Trigger on hostility level?.

    Just gave the average function a try -- getting a generic error on line 17: foreach _allClusters;

  8. Wed Jul 6 01:33:08 2016
    B Bad Quaker posted in Trigger on hostility level?.

    I'm running into issues, though it's possible it's my lack of understanding of how Arma scripting wants things. As I said, I'm new to this stuff.

    • I created a file called functions.sqf. It included nothing but Spyder's code for ALiVE_fnc_getNearestClusterHostilityBySide verbatim.
    • I then added the following line to my init.sqf: [] execVM "functions.sqf";
    • I added the following code to a trigger within an Alive Civ Cluster:

    test= [getPos player, "WEST"] call ALiVE_fnc_getNearestClusterHostilityBySide; hint toString[test];
    * When I activate the trigger in-game or via the debug console, I get errors like this:

    21:29:23 ALiVE-15.789 ["#CBA_HASH#",["debug","clusters","clustersActive","clustersInActive"],[true,["#CBA_HASH#",["c_47","c_48","c_49"],[["#CBA_HASH#",["nodes","clusterID","center","size","type","priority","debugColor","debug","debugMarkers","hostility","casualties","sectors","posture"],[[833cf200# 48284: terrace_k_1_ep1.p3d,833cf900# 48283: house_k_1_ep1.p3d,83478100# 48033: house_k_1_ep1.p3d,833d1d00# 48016: terrace_k_1_ep1.p3d,833d0f00# 48026: house_k_5_ep1.p3d,833d1600# 48017: terrace_k_1_ep1.p3d,5c0e8800# 48032: house_k_1_ep1.p3d,5c0e9600# 48024: terrace_k_1_ep1.p3d,5c0e8f00# 48029: house_k_7_ep1.p3d,5c0de400# 48047: house_k_6_ep1.p3d,5c0ea400# 48021: terrace_k_1_ep1.p3d,5c0e9d00# 48022: terrace_k_1_ep1.p3d,5c0e8100# 48034: house_k_1_ep1.p3d,833ceb00# 48023: terrace_k_1_ep1.p3d,833ce400# 48031: house_k_3_ep1.p3d,5c100100# 48027: house_k_5_ep1.p3d,5c100800# 48020: terrace_k_1_ep1.p3d,5c0fab00# 48067: house_k_5_ep1.p3d,5c0fb200# 48062: terrace_k_1_ep1.p3d,5c0d6b00# 48061: terrace_k_1_ep1.p3d,5c0d7900# 48049: house
    21:29:23 Error in expression <", "_input8", "_input9"];
    _inputArray =+ _inputArray;
    if !(_filterFnc isEqualT>
    21:29:23   Error position: <+ _inputArray;
    if !(_filterFnc isEqualT>
    21:29:23   Error +: Type Bool, expected Number,Array,Not a Number
    21:29:23 File x\alive\addons\x_lib\functions\misc\fnc_sortBy.sqf, line 49

    Probably something I am doing wrong. Can anyone help me out?

  9. Tue Jul 5 21:30:36 2016
    B Bad Quaker posted in Trigger on hostility level?.

    Thanks @SpyderBlack723 !

    EDIT: I just noticed that Spyder stated above what I was confirming below. Sorry!

    I'll play with these over the next couple of days an follow up on how it went.

    To make sure I understand --
    * ALiVE_fnc_getAverageClusterHostilityBySide is for getting global hostility by side, and
    * ALiVE_fnc_getNearestClusterHostilityBySide is for getting hostility for the nearest civ cluster?

  10. Tue Jul 5 18:01:23 2016
    B Bad Quaker posted in Trigger on hostility level?.

    Possible Compromise
    I'll add that if it makes it a lot easier, I'm fine with:

    • setting the trigger in the center of a single town, therfore presumably falling entirely within the within the bounds of a single ALiVE-defined civilian cluster.
    • Then if the player position could be used to identify the relevant cluster, the civ hostility for that cluster could be evaluated.

    I'm guessing that would be far more do-able, I just don't know how. Thanks again to anyone who can offer some guidance.

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