Last active 4 years ago
Hello, friends. Been having trouble defusing the VBIEDs. Currently using ACE with ALiVE.
Steps to repro:
1.) Load mission with asymmetric enemy sync'd to an IED module
2.) Find a VBIED using whatever method you like (I used the debug option and teleported the player nearby)
3.) Attempt to approach the VBIED to disarm the explosive.
Expected outcome: An EOD tech creeps up, finds the explosive stuck to the underside of the vehicle, ACE interacts with it, defuses the bomb.
Observed outcome: Roughly 3m from the vehicle, the IED explodes. Every. Single. Time.
Workaround: This behavior is not observed when the player is a civilian EOD tech. When playing as a civilian EOD tech, players can approach and defuse VBIEDs using the expected method.
Is there a mission setting I have misunderstood or some other feature of the mod I'm not using correctly?
Hey everyone. Got a question.
I'm curious if there's a way to manually set off an "intelligence" event, the same as when you pick up a piece of intel from an EKIA. My hope is to set up a trigger and a situation so that when players do X, then intel is the result. Currently, I'm going to use it as a way to turn captured and ACE handcuffed prisoners into actionable intel if the prisoner is escorted all the way back to a pre-built detention center. I vaguely remember finding the code years ago, but I can't find it anymore, and I figure this could be a good thing to have on the forum for posterity if we find it again.
I think he's trying to say that he does all the normal steps to make a mission save data, but when he's done playing, he Server Saves and Exits, only to return later and his data is lost. I've actually seen the same thing, and it's why I've come out to the forums today.
Yeah, that does work, but its a shame I can't seem to get a manual placement to cooperate. Oh well. Thanks anyway Spyder! You guys keep up the awesome work!
There was another error on line 28. Fixed it.
if !(([_objective, "HQ", []] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet) isEqualTo []) exitWith}; // nearest objective already has an installation
if !(([_objective, "HQ", []] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet) isEqualTo []) exitWith{}; // nearest objective already has an installation
Note the extra { I placed by the exitWith.
Okay, now, with that running and giving us zero errors... huh. Doesn't seem to work. I don't know what I could be doing wrong, here. I'm running the code in the init.sqf, pointing at a building and doing exactly as it seems you're suggesting. Yes, the insurgency modules are placed, and I still get the other installations popping up if I leave it up to the ALiVE systems, so I know it's working right on that end, but... yeah, I can't get it to place down. Is there another method I could use? Am I just doing it wrong?
Hey Spyder. Tested it, and it throws back an error on init, saying line 4 needs an extra closing bracket.
'...r) exitWith (_this remoteExecCall [QUOTE|#|(MAINCLASS),2]]; private ["_opcom","_o...' Error Missing ]
and points to line 4.
Thanks for your quick reply, but after tinkering around a bit, I can't quite make out how to utilize these calls. How should they be used?
I'm trying to create a training scenario where the players in my group can be introduced to ALiVE insurgencies in a controlled environment. One area I'm having trouble with, though, is making some installations pop up right where I want them. Is there any way I could manually force an installation (of any type or specific type, doesn't matter) place in-game and have the ALiVE intel point to it as we explore along?