Last active 6 years ago
I'm using CBA_A3, ALiVE, Spyder Addons and 3den Enhanced. Logs:
The only thing that persists appears to be the time. Here's the mission:
This is before saving and exiting the mission:
This is after loading the mission:
Yeah, enemies and friendlies are placed back at their original objectives.
I have checked all modules and persistence is enabled on all of them. I use Server Save and Exit.
Objectives captured by BLUFOR are occupied by OPFOR after saving the server and loading the mission again. BLUFOR soldiers are also placed back at their HQ.
I still haven't managed to get it working.
I'm trying to use the multispawn module with spawn on squad. When there's no one in my squad I can spawn. When there is someone in my squad I spawn on the marker but I can't move or do anything. I'm stuck spectating someone else.