Last active 8 years ago
Sorry, but what does RPT stand for?
Hi, found another one I want to share with the forum and see if you're seeing this too. I try to airdrop in an assault team to me, and when I click the option to Join Player Group, it starts throwing scripting errors. On drop, the squad does not join my group.
I'm doing some testing to see why my missions don't work out as planned, with tons of script errors. In order to eliminate me as being the problem, I've loaded up Operation LandLord Example Mission.
When I bring in a team, I go to the ALiVE tablet, then click Operations, select BLUFOR, and then try to instantly join teams, I get errors. I'm starting to see this with a lot of different functionality, though I'll have to systematically test to see where else I recall getting stuff like this. Does anyone else see this behavior?