

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Sat Aug 6 12:04:00 2016
    B Bluestream posted in Heli not despawning [Fixed].

    Still new to ALiVE (thanks for the amazing mod by the way!) so I'm probably doing something wrong but I still get hovering helicopters over my base.

    For mods I'm running acre, rhs and alive, playing as one of the russian factions with an AI commander synced to a mil logistics module. The commander should be controlling the msv and vdv factions which seems to be working. Requesting things myself is working well, the helicopters leave after dropping their payload.

    But I believe that the AI requests helicopters that aren't leaving? At least there are always a 2-3 helis hovering over my base after about 15-30 minutes. Are they AI requested reinforcements or just something else that the AI commander chooses to ignore? Can I change the commander in any way to get rid of this?

    EDIT: Another interesting thing I noticed is that when factions on my AI commander is set to rhs_faction_msv only and air transport assets in mil logistics is set to faction only I still get helicopters, even if the msv faction shouldn't have helicopters if I'm not mistaken.

  2. Sat Aug 6 11:00:16 2016
    B Bluestream joined the forum.