

Last active 5 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Fri Jan 6 00:29:20 2017

    or writedown the classname withtin the list withtin the ace set medical vehicle. then u dont need to make a cross or init.
    then all spawned units with that classname are medevacs.

  2. Mon Jan 2 07:42:02 2017

    there should be a list with communities/servers that running alive or better said, with communities "open" recruitment.

    i just know 1 public server using ALiVE and its mostly empty, because the server isnt shown in the server browser. :> or its an arma problem, because i just get a handfull of "modded" servers.

  3. Mon Jan 2 07:40:16 2017
    H h1ght joined the forum.