James Higs


Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Thu Feb 16 16:48:04 2017
    J James Higs posted in invalid Json.

    @Tupolov You have a unit named with a special char

    "AAR_unit": "R Bandits "Les Sans Pit Yeah "

    I got rid of the unit, still cant server save and exit
    i get this http://imgur.com/a/gnMaR each time i try to server save and exit, it get stuck there

  2. Wed Feb 15 19:10:19 2017
    J James Higs started the conversation invalid Json.


    From rpt log

    ALiVE Extension (ALiVEPlugIn) Error: ['{"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}
    '] CMD: SendJSON ['GET','sys_player/EAS_Battle%20For%20Tchernarus_1','']

    from aliveplugin log

    [2017-02-15 19:05:44] [debug] Threads (Inc): 1
    [2017-02-15 19:05:44] [debug] Return value [['SendJSONAsync','OK']]
    [2017-02-15 19:05:44] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 22.021ms
    [2017-02-15 19:05:45] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSONAsync []]
    [2017-02-15 19:05:45] [debug] Function: SendJSONAsync
    [2017-02-15 19:05:45] [debug] Params:
    [2017-02-15 19:05:45] [debug] Waiting for JSON data
    [2017-02-15 19:05:45] [debug] Return value [['WAITING']]
    [2017-02-15 19:05:45] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 2.002ms
    [2017-02-15 19:05:45] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSONAsync []]
    [2017-02-15 19:05:45] [debug] Function: SendJSONAsync
    [2017-02-15 19:05:45] [debug] Params:
    [2017-02-15 19:05:45] [debug] Waiting for JSON data
    [2017-02-15 19:05:45] [debug] Return value [['WAITING']]
    [2017-02-15 19:05:45] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 2.002ms
    [2017-02-15 19:05:46] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSONAsync []]
    [2017-02-15 19:05:46] [debug] Function: SendJSONAsync
    [2017-02-15 19:05:46] [debug] Params:
    [2017-02-15 19:05:46] [debug] Waiting for JSON data
    [2017-02-15 19:05:46] [debug] Return value [['WAITING']]
    [2017-02-15 19:05:46] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 1ms
    [2017-02-15 19:05:46] [debug] ### Pushing: {"error":"bad_request","reason":"invalid_json"}

    [2017-02-15 19:05:46] [debug] Threads (Dec): 0
    [2017-02-15 19:05:47] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSONAsync []]
    [2017-02-15 19:05:47] [debug] Function: SendJSONAsync
    [2017-02-15 19:05:47] [debug] Params:
    [2017-02-15 19:05:47] [debug] Return value [['{"error":"bad_request","reason":"invalid_json"}
    [2017-02-15 19:05:47] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 0.999ms

    I have the newest alive.cfg file with the right json ''code''

    And when i server save and exit i get the messages above

  3. Mon Feb 13 21:42:10 2017

    ok seem i made it work, had to redownload alive.cgf and @aliveserver and put these new file to replace the old one and voila

  4. Mon Feb 13 20:45:40 2017

    no luck with well it seem to be the right ip but

    here is what server rpt says

    20:42:30 ALiVE Global INIT
    20:42:30 ALiVE Global Init Timer Started
    20:42:30 ALiVE [m_0|30] Module ALiVE_sys_data INIT
    20:42:30 ALiVE Extension (ALiVEPlugIn) Error: ['StartALiVE','ERROR','Unable to connect to DB'] CMD: StartALiVE ['true']
    20:42:30 DATA: Loading ALiVE config from database.
    20:42:31 ALiVE Extension (ALiVEPlugIn) Error: ['{"error":"unauthorized","reason":"Name or password is incorrect."}
    '] CMD: SendJSON ['GET','sys_data/config','']
    20:42:31 ALiVE [m_0|30] Module ALiVE_sys_data INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.937012
    20:42:31 ALiVE [m_1|40] Module ALiVE_require INIT
    20:42:31 ALiVE [m_1|40] Module ALiVE_require INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.00801086
    20:42:31 ALiVE Global INIT COMPLETE
    20:42:31 ALiVE Global Init Timer Complete 1.57701

  5. Mon Feb 13 20:26:10 2017
    J James Higs started the conversation You are not authorized to access ALiVE War Room.


    I need Help with war room

    Here is the log

    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] ALiVEPlugIn v2.1a-
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [StartALiVE ['true']]
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Function: StartALiVE
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Params:
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] - [true]
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] Disable Performance Monitor: true
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] Reading 'alive.cfg'
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] Configuration found: C:\Users\ni1158995_1\AppData\Local\ALiVE\alive.cfg
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] No URL in config. Using default.
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] Configuration 'alive.cfg' read OK.
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Alive Config:
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Type: JSON
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] User: duhe8idoqojunepelugibynylorihixa
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Pass: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Group: EAS
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] URL: http://db.alivemod.com:5984
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] Checking WarRoom access...
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] URL: http://alivemod.com/api/authorise?group=EAS&localDB=false
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [error] ###### HandleMessage - StartALiVE ######
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [error] Error: You are not authorized to access ALiVE War Room with this account. Check IP and Groupname.
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [error] RAW: StartALiVE ['true']
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Return value [['StartALiVE','ERROR','You are not authorized to access ALiVE War Room with this account. Check IP and Groupname.']]
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 159.153ms
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [ServerAddress]
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Function: ServerAddress
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Params:
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] ServerAddress - Querying for IP @ ipify.org
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] IP returned:
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Return value [['']]
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 178.172ms
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [GroupName]
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Function: GroupName
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Params:
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] GroupName: EAS
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Return value [['EAS']]
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 2.002ms
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSON ['GET','sys_data/config','']]
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Function: SendJSON
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Params:
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] - [GET]
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] - [sys_data/config]
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] - []
    [2017-02-13 20:11:09] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2017-02-13 20:11:10] [debug] Return value [['{"error":"unauthorized","reason":"Name or password is incorrect."}
    [2017-02-13 20:11:10] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 151.145ms

    At IP returned it say but my server adress is (and im sure since i asked my server host for the adress)

    So i dont know what to do now

  6. Mon Jan 30 21:27:33 2017

    All is good now, Thx

  7. Mon Jan 30 04:38:30 2017
    J James Higs started the conversation You are not authorized to access ALiVE War Room (SOLVED).

    I need some help as per the title of this post. I hope the info below are enough to help, if not ask me.

    I use a rented dedicated server through Nitrado

    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [info] ALiVEPlugIn v2.1a-
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [StartALiVE ['true']]
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [debug] Function: StartALiVE
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [debug] Params:
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [debug] - [true]
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [info] Disable Performance Monitor: true
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [info] Reading 'alive.cfg'
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [info] Configuration found: C:\Users\ni1158995_1\AppData\Local\ALiVE\alive.cfg
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [info] No URL in config. Using default.
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [info] Configuration 'alive.cfg' read OK.
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [debug] Alive Config:
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [debug] Type: JSON
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [debug] User: duhe8idoqojunepelugibynylorihixa
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [debug] Pass: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [debug] Group: EAS
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [debug] URL: http://db.alivemod.com:5984
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [info] Checking WarRoom access...
    [2017-01-30 04:17:16] [info] URL: http://alivemod.com/api/authorise?group=EAS&localDB=false
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [error] ###### HandleMessage - StartALiVE ######
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [error] Error: You are not authorized to access ALiVE War Room with this account. Check IP and Groupname.
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [error] RAW: StartALiVE ['true']
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] Return value [['StartALiVE','ERROR','You are not authorized to access ALiVE War Room with this account. Check IP and Groupname.']]
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 185.178ms
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [ServerAddress]
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] Function: ServerAddress
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] Params:
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [info] ServerAddress - Querying for IP @ ipify.org
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [info] IP returned:
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] Return value [['']]
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 200.193ms
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [GroupName]
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] Function: GroupName
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] Params:
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [info] GroupName: EAS
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] Return value [['EAS']]
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 1.001ms
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSON ['GET','sys_data/config','']]
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] Function: SendJSON
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] Params:
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] - [GET]
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] - [sys_data/config]
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] - []
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] Return value [['{"_id":"config","_rev":"31-87c1a041c4c198f488f7302f15e2ab94","On":"true","EventLevel":5,"PerfData":"true","EventData":"true","MissionData":null,"AAR":"true"}
    [2017-01-30 04:17:17] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 151.145ms

  8. Sun Jan 29 23:10:38 2017

    @SpyderBlack723 If players use Player Exit then the bodies will be deleted.

    Yes i know that the bodies disapear but only after sometime, what i want is immediate removal so nobody can loot it, not even the player that disconnected itself so he cannot overloot himself with is own body.

    @flibble666 he found this on BI forums reported as working by muitlpe sources untedted by my self just copy pasted hope it works.

    //initServer.sqf addMissionEventHandler ['HandleDisconnect',{deleteVehicle (_this select 0);}];

    The line ''//initServer.sqf
    addMissionEventHandler ['HandleDisconnect',{deleteVehicle (_this select 0);}];'' does work to delete instantly the bodies but i lose all my gear when i reconnect.

    Im not much of a coder so dont know what to do, did search here and there but to no aval

  9. Sun Jan 29 05:51:57 2017
    J James Higs started the conversation DIsable disconnected players dead bodies looting.


    I want to know if it possible to disable looting corpse of players that disconnected so other players dont end with their gear

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