Last active 7 years ago
Condition- !alive HELO_1 (Helicopter being shot down)
synced to Mil. Placement (Cust. Obj.) Module:
Obj. Priority & Size- 50
Counts- 0
Spawn Comp- Empty
Create HQ- Yes
Place air or supplies- No
Ambient Vehicles- No
synced to Military AI Commander
Above is what my trigger and module attributes are, when I run the scenario, the AI commander is already sending troops to the position of the module
Is there a way to use a marker to designate the size and position of the module? Kinda like the Mil. and Civ. placement modules?
If not, is there a way to create a module at a certain point via triggers?
I'm attempting to have OPFOR attack the Custom Objective once a trigger is hit.
For some more context: Helo goes down, once helo "dies" (according to scripts), it triggers a task that is put on the Helo crash site. 30 seconds later, another trigger puts a marker on the Helo crash site. I want to either have the Custom Objective's size and position defined by the marker, or find a way to have the Custom Objective be put on the Helo crash site so the OPFOR AI commander will "invade" it.
Any help is appreciated! :D