

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Wed May 17 22:10:52 2017

    @SavageCDN Ticket opened ... were you using any mods when this happened? (other than CBA and ALiVE of course) Does it only do this for infantry groups?


    Thanks for submitting the ticket, The mods being used include Ace, RHS, CUP Maps and core, NIArms, and Task force Radio. The extra group only seems to happen to infantry based on testing. Tested this with only Alive and it did the same as well.

  2. Wed May 17 09:45:39 2017

    I noticed that when using custom objectives that if you tell the module that you want one infantry group, it will spawn one group inside the custom marker zone, but it will also spawn a group outside of that zone. So instead of only getting one group of units I end up with two. I couldn't find the place to report this, so I thought I may as well put it here.

  3. Wed May 17 09:34:01 2017
    J jc7788 joined the forum.