Last active 5 years ago
Drogon's air power are spawned aircraft as well. Its pathing for taxi ways aren't well. However control over altitude and loiter radius is better done than alive supports. Plus gives you the ability to control from the gunners seat as well.
I mostly use alive for Transport helo support its the most consistent method using AI pilots. Mostly play with a few 4 to 6 people max.
I really just like the way Drogon's gunship handles. You can also take control over the gunners from a tablet.
Love alive support modules however currently unable to use the Armed blackfish.
was looking on the forum and ran across
has some pretty cool elements that I wish ALIVE implement.
Will do thanks for the suggestion.
Other than Ace. What do you use to detain, escort, load, and unload the civilians base to your detention areas?
I know ace is nice but I play with a small group and we like to keep it KISS as much as possible.
[quote=21443:@SavageCDN]_this would be my guess as well
This worked thank you very much!
@HeroesandvillainsOS What makes you think it doesn't work on spawned units? Have you tried it?
When I test it only unit that are placed in editor are able to be revived. Any unit recruited or spawned by alive just die.
From the document that comes with the script
Initialization for a unit during the mission flow. (Spawned AI units’ f.e.)
[_unit] call AIS_System_fnc_loadAIS
With a3 wounding system called in description ext all units placed in editor load a3 wounding system. How do i get it to load on all BLF_F or units recruited to my group by spyders addons module?
Trying have units spawned in by ALIVE on BLU_F to use A3 wounding system.
Or just units in my group that are spawned by syders addons recruitment module.