

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Sat Mar 24 04:37:13 2018

    Solved it on my side, seems there was a bug on the export of cfgpatches. Some classes were missing. After editing manually, everything is working fine

  2. Fri Mar 23 07:08:54 2018

    I am facing the same problem, only drivers are spawned

  3. Thu Oct 19 10:03:16 2017
    X ximenji posted in How to load Local Save Game.

    dear JD_Wang, i have tried both solutions actually and different mods as well. Funny thing is this is only doing that on one particular mission. I have used another file and it's working file, i guess the mission is corrupted somehow.
    I will check if it happens again in the future.

  4. Mon Oct 16 10:34:22 2017
    X ximenji posted in How to load Local Save Game.

    i will try removing some objects and revert back to you. When i am in other places, the modules are working perfectly fine

  5. Sun Oct 15 09:28:29 2017
    X ximenji posted in How to load Local Save Game.

    Dear HeroesandvillainsOS, I think there was some kind of bug. I changed the name of the mission and then everything worked fine (for saving at least). Nevertheless, i am now facing a strange issue, my mission is on FATA, if i place my support (transport) helo on the southern fob, they won't go anywhere on the map, they take off upon mission request, maybe fly 100 meters then start going up endlessly. I boarded one, it just goes up (i quit after 2500m high...). Is this related to the problems i faced before?

  6. Sun Oct 15 01:18:56 2017
    X ximenji posted in How to load Local Save Game.

    thanks for your quick reply. I will try some troubleshooting first. I have several mods loaded (RHS USAF, R3F, ACE, SPYDER ADDONS and some other props mods). Once i will have no more troubleshooting options, i will come back to you for support. Thanks a lot for your kind assistance.

  7. Sun Oct 15 00:33:20 2017
    X ximenji posted in How to load Local Save Game.

    thanks HeroesandvillainsOS. Is this the same method for single player (local) save? IT does not seem to work even though it says progress was saved.

  8. Sat Oct 14 15:37:08 2017
    X ximenji started the conversation How to load Local Save Game.

    Dear all, I have a mission prepared, i have played it for several hours, everything worked more or less smoothly, i saved my progress using ALiVE save menu, seems everything went fine. I quit my game without any error message. When i wanted to resume my game, i went into scenario but i could only restart the mission from scratch. Could you please tell me how to load a saved mission? is there something i missed?

    Note: i have checked that persistence options are duly enabled in each of the options.

    thanks for your kind help

  9. Sat Oct 14 15:32:42 2017
    X ximenji joined the forum.