

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    Thu Jan 22 02:50:56 2015
    E Erebus started the conversation New group stats aren't tracking but operation is.

    My clan picked up alive when it first came out, and after some issues with hosting we recently came back to it, problem being we couldnt' change our tag, and me being the OCD ridden guy I am I decided to create a new group and the other admin deleted the original group. Now that's all fine and dandy I thought it was all working, the operation is showing up in the war room, but my group page is not tracking stats of any kind. Is there anything i'm missing?
    Here's the newest line in the log:

    1/21/2015 7:46:55 PM: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
    1/21/2015 7:46:55 PM: Reading config file: Username: 2ogekovovidydimynuvicizoti3uqi6a, Group: {JSOC}
    1/21/2015 7:46:55 PM: Getting your IP: *insert numbers to server*
    1/21/2015 7:46:55 PM: War Room Authorisation: "true"
    1/21/2015 7:46:56 PM: Starting up DB access with the result: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"a1b347be93a9415a22b58bdc602112ab","version":"1.5.0","vendor":{"version":"12.04","name":"Ubuntu"}}

    So it appears to be connecting to my new group, but alas i'm still getting no data available in table, and there are no recent operations on the groups page, any ideas guys?

  2. Thu Jan 22 02:35:44 2015
    E Erebus joined the forum.