Last active 6 years ago
Yeah I'll give that a shot. It's strange though, I can still access the C2ISTAR stuff with the tablet in my inventory, just not the Combat Support stuff.
I'm currently encountering a strange issue with the combat Support Module. When I test the scenario out in the editor (Testing in the editor as a multiplayer scenario), I am fully able to access combat support via the alive tablet (I have a transport module and a cas module synced up to it). When I export the scenario and load it up on my dedicated server (separate machine) I am unable to access combat support via the alive tablet. It does not show as an option, with only Orbat being in the list (using ace self-interact to open these). The vehicles associated to the transport and cas modules both spawn, and I am able to direct the transport heli by entering as a passenger and talking to the pilot, but cannot call it in remotely or tell it to RTB once I am out.
Does anyone have any suggestions as where to look in to this odd behaviour?