

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Thu Feb 28 16:13:51 2019


    I don't know if this thread is alive anymore but I had couple of questions of the scripts above.

    I tried these scripts on my radio trigger (The vanilla mode where you activate it with radio commands alpha or beta).

    _profilesWest = count ([ALiVE_profileHandler, "getProfilesBySide", "WEST"] call ALIVE_fnc_profileHandler);
    _profilesEast = count ([ALiVE_profileHandler, "getProfilesBySide", "EAST"] call ALIVE_fnc_profileHandler);
    hint format ["Force Matchup \n West: %1 total groups \n East: %2 total groups", _profilesWest, _profilesEast];
    _forcePool1 = [ALIVE_globalForcePool, _faction1] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
    _forcePool2 = [ALIVE_globalForcePool, _faction2] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
    hint format ["Forcepool Values \n West: %1 total groups \n East: %2 total groups", _forcePool1, _forcePool2];

    It seemed to work when I tested in local but doesn't work on our dedicated server. The first script gives "scalar" instead of numbers and the second script gives "<nil>" instead of numbers.

    I am not an expert using scripts in Arma/Alive so any help is welcome. :)

  2. Thu Feb 28 16:06:07 2019
    P PoskiOtto joined the forum.