Last active 5 years ago
To be fair, reading through post trying to find an answer it's been requested many times in the forums.
Quick yes, but for larger battles on big maps its not easy to keep up with.
Anyone have the working on a mission I can look at?
Can I pay or donate to someone to help me get this done?
Whenever opcom calls in reinforcements they call in a ton of helis that either crash into each other or sit there forever. How can I make it so they only use airdrops or convoys?
Can anyone please provide a way to do above? Since he didn't answer?
it just would be amazing to use everything on both sides.
If you figure this out can you share it?
Is there anyway to stop the capture markers from disappearing? Altis is a big map and it's hard to know what belongs to who and what areas need to be taken.