

Last active 3 years ago

  1. 5 years ago
    Fri Nov 8 18:37:20 2019
    Friznit started the conversation Map Index Status & Requests.

    I've moved map index tracking from github to a google sheet because it's easier to manage the large and growing list of maps.

    There's even a handy Map Index Request Form

    Thanks to @diveyez who is putting a lot of effort into updating and indexing new maps!

  2. Mon Jun 3 18:16:07 2019
    Friznit posted in Thanks guys!.


  3. Sat May 25 13:47:04 2019
    Friznit posted in Visual Outline Glitch.

    That could be Zeus related - the no Zeus zone around players maybe?

  4. Sun Apr 21 18:53:47 2019
    Friznit posted in CAS Support Module Blackfish.

    There are a few similar air & artillery support scripts around. The fundamental difference with the ALiVE approach is that, like Zeus, they all spawn aircraft off map, conduct the attack run then despawn. One of the core principles of ALiVE is "no magic spawns." You can find any assets on the battlefield, interdict and destroy them, removing them from play. This is important to enable a manoeuvre approach to warfare.

  5. 6 years ago
    Sat Feb 23 15:50:38 2019

    Nope, still on the (long) wish list to develop One Day™

  6. Mon Jan 7 22:37:23 2019
    Friznit posted in CUSTOM OBJECTIVE ?.

    You can stick a Civ Placement module down set to Objectives Only and add a TAOR marker covering those areas, then sync them up to the AI Commander(s). That makes them available as objectives without spawning AI there. It's what the Objectives Only option was made for :)

  7. Wed Jan 2 20:55:54 2019

    OPCOM does nothing different. The only variation is on the rarity of the spawns. The profiles are (should be) balanced vs vanilla factions so you get a reasonably combined arms mix depending on the weighting you choose in the module settings. For example, Light Infantry predominantly spawns dismounted inf, but as in reality they rarely operated completely unsupported, so you will still get some HQ units, a few offensive support (MG, AT, Mortars, Sniper groups etc), and maybe a little armour as well. If I recall right, the rarity values for a Light Inf weighting are something like 0.8 for inf groups, 0.5 for support, 0.2 for SF/Sniper/armour/air. Obviously switched around if you select armoured weighting.

    The AI Comd Enhancement feature (Ticket #6 on github) was intended to use different groups in a more meaningful way but this never got implemented.

    To answer your last question specifically - yes, you could.

  8. Sat Dec 22 10:57:05 2018

    Two things here:

    1. Clusters of buildings - Civs spawn in the cluster of buildings nearest the player. This is so you can have a higher density of civs in the local area, and not fill up the whole city with civs that the player can't see. Civs in the cluster despawn and the new cluster spawns as you move through town (same way CQB works). At least that should be happening. Have you tried moving through town in a vehicle rather than looking at it from Zeus perspective?

    2. Civ placement within the cluster - pretty sure this is as you say, in that the script cycles through available spawn points and places a civ. It's not so much an array of positions but the buildings themselves (and therefore spawn locations) are obviously static. That's initial spawn only though, and civs will move around. It may be possible to inject a little randomisation BUT...if you returned to the cluster 5 minutes after leaving it, all the civs would be in a different place, which might be a bit weird if you're patrolling on foot.

  9. Sat Dec 22 10:46:21 2018

    Works off players only.

  10. Fri Dec 21 23:37:20 2018

    The limits imposed on ALiVE civs are primarily for performance reasons, both in terms of numbers of AI spawned and the script cycle to minimise overheads. I wonder if it would be possible to use something like Enigma as well - it would provide the numbers, whilst ALiVE provides the funk with the insurgents.

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