Last active 10 years ago
Hi. So I've decided I do want persistence for my mission, so I can restart it and not lose all the progress. However, the War Room is problematic... Frequent internal server errors, saying "Sorry." a lot. Why cant we just have a local DB option? It says because messing around with database software is a hassle - well so is War Room so whats the problem with a hasslesome local DB when the remote DB is hasslesome too?
I've followed the tutorial steps for getting my server connected to ALiVE War Room DB and it isnt working.
Does it matter which computer the Alive.cfg is downloaded with?
When editing the mission, does @AliveServer have to be enabled?
Headless client works with ALiVE like headless client does for everything else. Just add it and configure correctly in your server config file.
Only CQB Module can utilise headless client.
It will not improve mission loading speed, but if you are using the CQB Module it will improve the loaded missions performance.
Which section of the BI forums?
Mission folder zipped
Mission pbo
I combine ALiVE's GC with Repetitive Cleanup script and it works quite well.
Hi. I've been playing with the editor for the last few weeks and I've come up with a coop mission with ALiVE.
It would be cool to test/play it with other Aus or NZers (Asian and West USA maybe get okay ping too).
It only supports 6 players due to my upload bandwidth limitations.
Altis map is fully populated, but I think it runs well enough (I think most of us are accustomed to low FPS on Arma multiplayer by now!) at about 40-50fps (even 60 when not much going on graphically).
It has some difficulty increases like
But also some conveniences like
It is not War Room linked because I didnt want that to put further strain on my small upload bandwidth, and also because it doesnt really need to be. It is like Invade and Annex or Domination but the entire map has tangos.
If anyone is interested let me know and I will share server details and/or the mission pbo.
Just put units in the field with the editor. They will virtualise/cache. I dont know how to make them patrol, because UPS doesnt work with ALiVE virtualised groups. But if engaged in combat, or are near combat, they seem to join in with the ALiVE generated troops in searching and attacking.
Hi. I'm now moving towards getting up and running with my server.
I've noticed that the dead bodies of players remain in the game world after they die or disconnect.
How does this work with player persistence? It seems to me it'd be an easy dupe method, since you could save then disconnect and connect right back in at the same position with a corpse full of gear at your feet.
Found out that only one civilian needs to be spawned (either virtually or visible) to populate entire map (or TAOR) with vehicles. Sweet.
I was searching yesterday for a script that'll spawn vehicles of my choosing in random locations all over the map.
Then I remembered ALiVE has ambient vehicle spawn as part of Mil Obj and Civilian modules. However, I dont want civilians to spawn at all.
After some testing it seemed that the vehicles do not spawn unless there is a number of civilians also spawned. MY testing wasnt exactly scientific, so I may be wrong, but if a dev could confirm Id appreciate it.
Still need to spawn them vehicles without civilians sigh.
I'd like there to be an off/on switch integrated into the Required module. Loading times can be quite long, and often I just want to test non-ALiVE parts of my mission. I'd rather not have to wait for ALiVE parts to load when I'm not testing/previewing them.
Thanks for great work on the mod :)