Last active 5 years ago
I don't think it makes a huge difference server-side but it's definitely better for clients. Just went on stratis there and checked my framerates looking at 2 pieces of armour and 3 squads: AAF sat between 75 and 80 frames, leights looked like it was nearer 60 or 65, kinda shoots up a bit when you press esc to check and the russian MSV faction from RHS was similar, maybe two or three frames lower on average. CAF however sat at the same point as AAF between 75 and 80 fps. This was on med-high settings on an i5, 16GB RAM and GTX970. As far as I know this is mainly due to the high poly-count of rhs assets. Bohemia have targets on the complexity of models to maintain performance as much as possible. Just compare any BIS armour with an RHS equivelant. The RHS ones look way better but that generally means they're a lot more complex to render in game. The framerate difference isn't that huge or anything but when you add in the fact these models are being virtualised and then spawned back into the game world constantly with alive and then any other mods piled on top it probably adds up. I'm no expert or anything, just what I've observed. Hope this helps!
It's not perfect but it's a lot simpler than the other options available so hopefully more stable, I'll keep you posted mate!
I switched from Leights back to CAF today. Aside from config issues as mentioned, RHS models seem to be waaaayyyyy more complex than regular BIS and most other faction mods. They look pretty but it's just not worth the frames imho. Plus it relies on RHSUSAF and RHSAFRF which is a whole lot of mod to have enabled to use a tiny amount of it. Using CAF i'm getting much better framerates, better spawns (ie fireteams of insurgents instead of huge patrol squads) and less error messages from various RHS bits and pieces. Just seems to make life easier :)
I tend to run quite similar missions, small covert units setting up OPs and acting as recon to find and mark targets for drone or direct action attacks, however I don't really have the time to get into the scripting side of things too much so the missions tend to lack in the way of ambience and immersion, ends up being a little bit too much in the way of patrolling through kilometres of empty terrain. A solid mission of that type that runs well for that number of players and those mods but with more ambience and immersion would be pretty awesome. Even if anyone else has recommendations for similar missions already out there that aren't super mod intensive as many of them seem to be.
This is VERY awesome. Great work man, can't wait to see where this goes, especially with the new reworked Combat Support stuff on the way!
Yeap, apologies for this guys, reinstalling Windows somehow changed my IP address (although apparently it technically should not have) and so it wasn't letting me connect to War Room. Updated my details and boom everything is working perfectly again. Thanks for your time in looking into it, it's much appreciated, apologies that it was in vain!
Wow. I hadn't even thought to check that. Yeah my IP seems to have changed since reinstalling Windows, I'll update my war room details and see if that sorts it.
Alrighty, so i went and stripped out any other mods the mission was using to clean up the RPT, ran it again using just CBA ALiVE, AiA and Al Rayak with Jbad buildings. Did the same again with DB debug on this time, let it hang for a minute or two then shut it down.
Here's the RPT:
Group is [LN]Noonanamous and the mission for that RPT will be Test01.pja310.pbo or Persistence Test 2 in game. Cheers!
Cool gimme a few mins I'll see what i can do, thanks for looking into it!
Yes, stats are enabled, so is AAR (I usually never touch this anyway), perfmon and OS perfmon are both disabled.