

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Mon Nov 27 22:03:50 2017

    ALiVE Persistence and A3 vehicle respawn isn't quite compatible because the specific vehicle will be saved as destroyed and is then removed on mission reload totally as all destroyed objects / vehicles are. In the upcoming release (just fixed a bug with it), you can sync the vehicle to the "Player logistics (disable)" module for it not to save at all. I can take a look at A3 vehicle respawn some more, if its a popular request though.

  2. Thu Nov 9 20:03:21 2017

    By theory putting that line with the "updateObject" operation in R3F should suffice totally. I would not rename ALiVE_required to ALiVE_SYS_LOGISTIC - it will mess things up!

  3. Mon Sep 4 17:28:29 2017


    Please mind:
    Once an objective has been secured it is "OPCOM_RESERVE". Basically if "OPCOM_CAPTURE" is triggered, then the groups have been finished grouping at the attack staging position and will go blazing it up, and once it is secured its reserved! Basically the flow is --> RECON -> CAPTURE -> RESERVE

  4. Mon Sep 4 17:27:26 2017

    Correct! :)

  5. Mon Sep 4 17:25:46 2017
    H highhead posted in Streamline and adjust request.

    thats a question for @Tupolov

  6. Mon Sep 4 17:22:40 2017
    H highhead posted in Combat Support + Player Mutlispawn.


    First - Welcome the ALiVE!

    Second - This has not been tried yet, so it probably just will not work -> due to the fact that both - the Multispawn Module and the CS Transport module - will recreate the vehicle (and not use the asset placed in editor directly) and Multispawn will always create a new insertion chopper with "insertion" option and delete it after insertion.

    For the error you got, just remove this: everything after the //
    ergo remove... //Type can be "TRANSPORT" or "CAS" or "HYBRID"

    ...and only leave this in...: this setvariable ["CS_TYPE","TRANSPORT"];

    I guess it won't work, though.

    What is the issue with using it the intended way actually? (as in having a "Transport chopper" and a seperate "Multispawn Insertion")?

  7. Fri Sep 1 22:50:13 2017
    H highhead posted in Streamline and adjust request.


    You know that you can place AI groups via EDEN manually and if you sync the leader to the Virtual AI module, they will be profiled! so you can put in as many vAI groups as you want at any position you like to!

  8. Fri Sep 1 15:36:15 2017
    H highhead posted in Streamline and adjust request.

    yah of course - the size of the custom objective will be determined by the "size" field on the module, it doesnt require any TAOR! It can be placed anywhere!

    • vAI will only be created at objectives
    • objectives will only be created at the defined TAOR by Mil / Civ Placement modules
    • The total amount of vAI groups will be determined by the force strength you define (Platoon 30/60, Batallion 400 or whatever setting you use)
    • if you shrink the TAOR there will be less objectives that will still create the selected group strength (more vAI per objective).

    I think in your mish it was set to Platoon 60 on a whole-map-TAOR. If you wanna have less AI you might want to select Platoon 30. If you want to have more AI at some special objective/location only you can also use a custom objective and set the appropriate fields with the amount of vAI groups you wanna have there (like 3 inf, 2 mot, 1 armored, etc.).

    Afaik you only had a strategic CQB module placed, so in my case there was no civilian CQB present at all. I actually thought of adding a civ CQB and set it very low (desnity low / 2%).

    From what I understand your players want less AI, so you might just dumb it down a bit over all!

    have a great day!

  9. Thu Aug 31 16:16:44 2017
    H highhead posted in Streamline and adjust request.


    I think the BLU_TAO is fine in your mish! It covers the whole map, which quite effective and you will stumble over quite a few enemies!

    As Savage said, you can place custom objective modules everywhere you want, sync it to opcom and the AI will occupy them!

    You already use Military logistics module (LOGCOM), so as more and more enemies will be killed OPCOM (vAI Commander) will request reinforcements to replenish the losses from LOGCOM, as in vehicles and groups! LOGCOM will detect the best delivery method automatically and if there is no option to deliver by convoy or helicopter insertion it will also use paradrop! We try to avoid randomness as much as possible to stay credibly realistic, so ALiVE does not do a totally "random" Paradrop of "random" supplies! I suggest you set "place supplies" on the MP modules, there will be supply crates places at the MIL/CIV MP objectives that players then can loot (after they attacked and cleared the obj. ofc!

    Chernarus definatly is indexed as its working fine :)


  10. Wed Aug 30 20:37:01 2017
    H highhead posted in Streamline and adjust request.


    I have downloaded all the dependend mods (took me a while) and took a look at your mission, as I heard that you were working on it for long time.

    I found some things that may have an huge impact on overall performance, and basically some things were just not set up as they are intended to.

    • senseless duplicate Military Placement modules covering the same TAOR
    • senseless duplicate Civilian Placement modules covering the same TAOR
    • --> this is multiplying the same objectives over and over, creating 534 (!) OPCOM objectives, slowing down init, adding needless load on OPCOM, still very few groups created.
    • --> It seems as you are mistaking Military Placement (custom) with regular Mil/Civ placement modules
    • --> Instead of 5 MP modules and 5 CP modules covering the same taor you only need one of them. The custom bases you can add a MP (custom) modules and sync it to OPCOM!
    • CUP_B_USMC was not assigned to any mil/civ placement module, OPCOM therefore giving a warning.
    • --> Put it to Civ placement, and its fine
    • Air vehicles exploding on carrier
    • --> Just place them 0.5 or 1 mtrs above the carrier surface and give them a bit more room (f.e. delete one of them and spread them out a bit). Not an ALiVE issue, createvehicle/setdir on carrier surface seems to make (some) CUP vehicles explode as they clip into something.

    Further things

    • --> Plane Spawn radius was set to 50 (needless), put to 0
    • --> AI skill synced to OPCOM (should be unsynced iirc)
    • --> those 100 "Exile player slots" are present in SP/mission making, creating needless impact when testing too, removing them during mission making will give you a better feeling on performance issues (due to many vAI present in some areas f.e.)
    • --> Id not suggest to make it a 100 players mish with all those mods loaded. I'd suggest to start with 60, and make sure they are not set to AI enabled on server if there is still a setting for it!

    All in all, after I turned on debug on the ALiVE modules and fixed those issues it is running perfectly well. The only onscreen error I get is some .model config error (not an ALiVE issue) and the usual errors like: Warning Message: '/' is not a value, Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value spam, which is also not ALiVE related.

    I attached the fixed mission, with debugs on the Placement Modules - on so you can see what has been done and you can adapt your mish, or build from this one and tweak it further - you'll need to remove the playergroup in SP and add back those Exile slot too.

    Download here

    You can also find some more detailed info on our Wiki to esp. about the placement modules and how OPCOM works!

    If you need anything, just ping us!

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