Last active 8 years ago
I made this only using:
Even without my community's modpack I still have the problem.
Exemple mission here :
I found something in the RPT,
17:27:54 There are are no groups for OPCOM faction(s) ["rhs_faction_usarmy_wd"]! Please check if you chose the correct faction, and that the faction has groups defined in the ArmA 3 default categories infantry, motorized, mechanized, armored, air, sea!
Now, I do use groups that (from the CfgGroup) are part of "rhs_faction_usarmy_wd".
And also, if I decide to switch the Placement from "Objectives Only" to "Place Units" it do spawns units, so I guess the problem do not comes from that.
Could it be that editor groups are not config to work with ALiVE somehow?
That's exactly what I have done, yet no result.
I did have placements, like I said, the AI Commander do use units they spawn, but do not use placed units.
I tested with Vanilla factions, no problems.
encountered something today.
I'm building a campaign using RHS and I'm using reference sheets to manually build the enemy forces. (A.K.A, not letting ALiVE populate it, just commanding it)
Now the issue, the AI Commander is not using editor placed units.
Faction : rhs_faction_usarmy_wd
Note : I tried with every supported RHS US Factions.
It will spawn its own forces just fine if I let him do, but it will never used placed (and profiled) units.
However, a test with CSAT units indicates that its AI Commander do use placed units.
Also, my RPT do not seems to call anything obvious(to me).
Any help will be welcome.
Thanks in advance.
Edit : Tried doing the same with RHS Russians, so far having the same issues as with the US Army.
Tried to map a faction that is not supported natively by alive using the page on the wiki:
However, it is not working at all for me. Now I wonder, what I'm I suppose to look for in the GroupCfg to fill out the script in this part?
mas_afr_rebl_o_mappings = [] call ALIVE_fnc_hashCreate; [mas_afr_rebl_o_mappings, "Side", "EAST"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet; [mas_afr_rebl_o_mappings, "GroupSideName", "EAST"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet; [mas_afr_rebl_o_mappings, "FactionName", "mas_afr_rebl_o"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet; [mas_afr_rebl_o_mappings, "GroupFactionName", "OPF_mas_afr_F_o"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
Especially the "FactionName" and "GroupFactionName". What do I look for each of 'hem?
Note: I'm trying to map factions from Killoch's MultiNational Pack.
any help will be welcome.
Have a nice day.
Not entirely sure how to proceed then.
I do not understand at all the script "Spawn & Profile Group Script By Jman" here :
I use this to spawn what I have to spawn:
_grp2 = [getMarkerPos "amb2", _side, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_G_F" >> "Infantry" >> "ORG_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
How then would that translate over? Because I need 5 units to not get cached/profiled absolutly(editor placed), but the rest needs to be(spawned by alive and by script).
Nevermind, found out.
Another question in link with this.
If I sync unit to the Virtual AI System (while it being set to not virtualise sync groups), will that make so that said units won't be profiled and/or cached? Even with that script you posted?
Yeah I took a look at it, no clue how to use it.
I had a question.
If I set the virtual profile module to profile non sync unit, will it profile unit that get spawn by script mid game?