

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Thu Jun 16 14:43:52 2016
    E eric963 posted in Suicide Bomber Respawn.

    I was hoping that's how it was. Thanks.

  2. Wed Jun 15 05:18:06 2016
    E eric963 started the conversation Suicide Bomber Respawn.

    While trying to solve my intermittent persistence issues (Solved - either router or hub is going bad) I had the ied debug on and teleported into a zone which triggered the ied markers and then shortly a suicide bomber who promptly made his way to me aand almost killed me.

    After that I was in that zone for a while and never saw another suicide bomber spawn in that zone. Will suicide bobmber continue to reappear at random in the zone or do me (and my non-virtualized troops) need to leave the zone and then reenter it to spawn more suicide bombers?


  3. Tue Jun 14 18:38:49 2016

    I have issues with that mission also. When I get home tonight I'll send you my test mission on Stratis that works so you can test your setup. CBA and Alive is all that is required. I won't be home till around 9pm est.

  4. Tue Jun 14 17:49:27 2016

    Riksen send me your mission and ill test it on my dedicated server tonight.

    I have been having persistence issues on larger maps like Atlis and Kunduz but everything works fine on Stratis.

    I was testing with stock units.

  5. Mon Jun 6 00:03:12 2016
    E eric963 started the conversation Logistics Blacklist Problem.

    I have this entry in my staticdata.sqf to limit what units a player can call in for support.

    ALiVE_PLACEMENT_CUSTOM_GROUPBLACKLIST = ["BUS_sentryTeam_SpeedBoat","BUS_DiverTeam","BUS_DiverTeam_Boat","BUS_DiverTeam_SDV"];

    All groups get blacklisted properly except the "BUS_sentryTeam_SpeedBoat" . I used the config viewer to get the group names.

    Can anyone shed any light on this for me..

  6. Wed Jun 1 07:28:41 2016

    I seem to be stuck. This is working fine for me in single player and when I load it up as multiplayer.

    But when I put the mission on my dedicated server we get none of the notification messages. As I am still new to this stuff can anyone give me some ideas on what to check or better yet an example mission or even or your int.sqf and description.ext or any other config file that might be needed. This is the last thing I would like to have working and it's been driving me crazy all night.


  7. Wed May 25 19:39:45 2016
    E eric963 posted in Some objects not restored.

    Could this be used on player placed land mines? And if so how do you run that script?


  8. Sun May 22 03:40:24 2016
    E eric963 posted in Modify ammo/supply crates.

    You have just made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the help again!!!!

  9. Sat May 21 16:19:39 2016
    E eric963 posted in Modify ammo/supply crates.


    I looked at one of your old posts on adding Arsenal to some RHS crates but I don't know enough to make any sense of most of it.

    Does anyone have an example that will work with persistencey?


  10. Sat May 21 08:09:53 2016
    E eric963 started the conversation Modify ammo/supply crates.

    Is there a way to modify what the default contents of the different ammo/supply boxes (Basic Ammo [NATO] and Supply Box [NATO]) that are used with the Player Combat Logistics? I read the forums but was not able to make anything work.


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