Last active 8 years ago
"It also removes installation trashes."
Does this mean the fridge, ied table, water bottle and ammo crates etc are automatically deleted when the building is destroyed?
If so cool :)
Are you left with a vanilka explosiv charge when you destroy them?
What is the proper procedure for ALiVE ieds? Are we supposed to just diffuse them or can we counter det them and get the same result? Im still finding after i blow one up it leaves a c4 block on the ground which kind of ruins the immersion a little when guys still think it is armed etc.
Yeah i only have a 125gb ssd for W10 and arma+mods and got the run out of memory crash alot. Had to move the paging file storage location to my bigger hd and all was fixed. Just google how to edit paging file location if your prob is same as mine.
Did i not read somewhere that respawn options in the description.ext are now obselete if using 3d editor?
Tonnes of people complaining about spawning as a seagull and running a description.ext was apparently the issue. All your respawn options are now in the attributes dropdown menu in your 3d editor toolbar.
PS. If you are running a mission that hasn't been converted to 3d then you're fine I suppose :)
Anyone had any trouble loading 2d editor alive missions that have been converted to 3d editor?
On my dedi server the mission loads up to were it would spawn u in but stays on a black screen and i can hear myself running or shooting etc and it never loads?
You have to run a script staticdata.sqf to change logistic vehicles, ammo crates found at objectives etc.
Spyder has one on here somewhere you can use i think.
Yeah, large green hangars.
Alive keeps spawning helis in the hangers of cup takistan airfields that explode also. Are the hangars supposed to be for jets only?