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  1. 6 years ago
    Sat Oct 6 14:32:31 2018

    I don't think the -mod portion needs quotes, my server and HC bat files do not and they work. HC doesn't require -profile, not sure if that would cause it to not read beyond to the -mod bit. Here's an example that worked on my prior PC.

    cd /D "C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3"
    "C:\games\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3server.exe" -client -connect= -port=2302 -mod=@CBA_A3;@alive;@RHSAFRF;@RHSUSAF;@task_force_radio;@Misc;@maps

    You can also use the !workshop folder within arma to use steam download mods. Paths are a bit bulky but saves having to copy/paste them each update if you are running with an established steam install.

  2. Wed Oct 3 17:39:57 2018

    Some form of manual work around would be nice, even something as (user) basic as an invisible alive marker that denotes a civilian spawn point, allowing mission makers to plant them where desired. This would have the added advantage of allowing Alive compatible user built "towns" in otherwise empty areas, or expansion of existing towns, placing buildings and such markers in the editor.

    As I understand it insurgency will already utilize editor placed structures as potential facilities, this would expand upon that as well as provide a workaround for maps/map assets that don't work well otherwise.

    *and yes, it's very easy to wish for things that others have to make work... extreme gratitude for everything Alive's makers have brought to the game! :-)

  3. Fri Sep 28 10:57:12 2018
    B BvB posted in Group Size Question.

    I usually make myself custom groups like this, IFVs + dismounts, 3-4 technicals w/ some infantry etc. No issues, and when they spawn in they've been dismounted and ready to fight.

  4. Wed Sep 26 12:25:01 2018

    Agree on some kind of "off map" air support. Lot of great maps, Kunduz, FATA, Schemwitz, and even some larger maps with one (if both sides need air support) or no airfields. A module that could be placed a km or more "off map" as an aircraft spawn point, maybe with settings for max # at a time, absolute max and even tie into logistics would be great.

    Also would like to see some form of "click to activate" system for piloting. This was talked about a little a long bit back, but something to designate an "active" area so units spawn in for pilots to attack. Currently must have a player or drone which isn't always possible.

    *Cobra, while not module based if you're having to gather config classes anyway for a whitelist, you can use a staticdata.sqf file to define crates etc for a given faction. The staticdata can be used on a per-mission basis.

  5. Fri Sep 21 21:11:47 2018

    Did you use the original faction names? Sometime back even staticdata changes to them stopped working reliably for me; I used to manually combine MSV, TV etc since it never made sense to have the tanks as a separate "faction". I believe this is because alive already uses the default staticdata to make rhs work to the extent they do, maybe the overwrites conflict somewhere along the way.

    I don't know if thats changed as I switched to making "new" factions defined via staticdata and description.ext of groups calling upon default RHS units. This works reliably, even defining their transport assets, supply crates etc.

  6. Thu Sep 6 14:44:56 2018

    Haven't played in a whe thx to work, just getting back to it so warning: memory fuzzy :)

    declaring factions at mission level work(ed) with the limitation that it must use existing units. I made my own RHS "Russian" faction I would include within desired missions. It consisted of all hand made groups populated by RHS, CUP etc soldiers, vehicles etc.

  7. 7 years ago
    Sat Sep 30 09:40:14 2017

    I'd like to know as well. Had been thinking along the lines of using it as a device to spawn extra insurgent gear, like some technicals or a heavy weapons (mortar, SPG) team or two to model increased support/cooperation with the baddies.

  8. Wed Sep 13 14:34:33 2017

    Static weapons wont typically be seen. Exceptions would be Arty support module, AA spawned by Aur Controller, and static weapons by CQB module.

    A few options of carying complexity:
    -can manually place some in the editor, and virtualize or not as you see fit

    -you can place empty ones set to respawn w/ vehicle respaw module and VCOM AI so Inf groups in yhe area will man them

    -you can define some groups via description.ext that include static weapons. These will be luck of the draw as far as where they spawn and are thus stuck.

    -define some units carrying static weapons components, groups including theae units, a replacement config so desired static MGs, AT etc replace vanilla ones (if not wanting vanilla ones of course), and use VCOM. This will have roving AI that will deploy HMGs, recoiless rifles, mortars etc.

  9. Sat Sep 2 15:46:27 2017
    B BvB posted in New Lythium Map.

    The Southern airbase has to be "fixed" by the mapmakers. The defined (as the AI travels) taxiways don't match up with the physical/in game tarmac. An easy fix would be to remove the concrete barriers along the way, as the aircraft will move over the grass/dirt OK, but they get hung up for a while on the barriers and either eventually power over or crash n burn.

  10. Tue Aug 15 15:31:57 2017
    B BvB posted in Module Placement & Invasion.

    Oops didn't even look at your screenshot.. So with 8 OPFOR objectives they'll 20 ish (16 + any reserves) for what they hold. They will then use 4 groups per attack order. What force size are you using for the mil objectives? Rough guide divide the number by 10 for # of groups it will spawn. The custom objectives IS # of groups though, so you might use that too, spawning more where you want the attack to occur.

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