Last active 5 years ago
We've been getting the same problem consistently. It either crashes when the game goes on for 2 hours or more or when a player joins in after about 30 minutes or more. Every RPT ends with the same error you described. We use quite a few mods, but we haven't been able to reproduce this on any other game mode. I will post my RPT when I get the chance
Here's my startup commands
-port=2582 -MaxMem=16384 "-servermod=" "-mod=@CBA_A3;@ace;@ACRE2;@RHSUSAF;@RHSAFRF;@RHSGREF;@RHSSAF;@ALiVE;@aliveserver;@3CBFactions;@ACEAdvCPR;@ACEDiwakoRagdoll;@ACESplint;@Achilles;@Align;@BackpackOnChest;@BlastStandalone;@BreachCharge;@CTabDupe;@CUPTerrainsCore;@CUPTerrainsMaps;@Immerse;@MarauderGear;@SOUG;@Spyder;@Suppress;@tfvfac;@VcomAI;@hmd;@hmdrhs;@ProjectBJC;@ACEX;@USP;@offroad;@KAT;@Boxloader1;@Boxloader2;@torabora;@hazarkot;" -profiles=ARMAHOSTS -config=ARMAHOSTS\server\server.cfg -cfg=ARMAHOSTS\server\basic.cfg "-name=armahosts" -Server
Yes and yes. AI Commander was set to asymmetric, debug was turned on, all vanilla assets / no mods besides ALiVE, CBA and AliveServer on the server itself; no IED markers popped up anywhere
Uploaded a mission with only vanilla stuff onto our dedicated server and, even then, after around two hours of uptime, still no dice. I am going to start to heavily consider just unsyncing the module because it works perfectly, but the feeling isnt the same since it has no impact on security levels. It's a shame I can't get this to work
If I'm allowed to, I'd like to go into your Kunduz mission and see what is different about it compared to mine and see if I can sort of reverse engineer that to get mine to work
Yes, I have the debug turned on the Commander module. No IED markers pop up whatsoever. Actual IED Factories do, with the little red installation box, but I've yet to see an actual IED pop up.
Turning on the actual Military IED module's debug only shows VBIEDs still, though I've read that this module's debug is rather useless when it is synced to the Commander module so I haven't really paid attention to that
I never did end up getting a proper solution to this, though we haven't used the CRAMs in a bit and thus haven't gotten the opportunity to test out Fen_A3. I'll check it out at some point
Around 30 or so minutes in and the line "15:37:57 ALiVE MIL IED reset for usage with OPCOM Insurgency!" pops up and is the only reference to any IEDs in the rpt file.
Same result as before. I'm going to share the mission file and the RPT
Like I said, I had done this in multiplayer already and I got the same results without fast forwarding: only VBIEDs spawn in quite soon after the mission is started but no actual placed IEDs or suicide bombers ever show up. I've also attempted doing it with only ALiVE and CBA, though I'll give that another go tomorrow and see what happens.
I could always leave the module unsynced as that always works, but as far as I am aware they are placed randomly and they have no effect on the security situation if IEDs are destroyed or if factories are brought offline.
So, I've tried for quite a while to make a proper Asymmetric warfare scenario for my group, but every single time I do, the IED module never seems to work the way I'd like it to. I DO have it synced to the Military AI commander. I'd like it to work with it being synced because, as far as I can tell when it is synced, IEDs are generated per the security situation and not randomly as it would be should I leave it synced.
When I have it synced to the Military AI commander, though, only VBIEDs spawn. I never see a single normal IED or suicide bomber. I have messed around with extreme placement of insurgent forces, of OPCOM installations, and with extreme civilian hostility to the opposing side, all without results. VBIEDs always spawn in shortly after the mission starts, but no IEDs or suicide bombers do. I have tested this in single player by fast forwarding and also by testing far too many times to count in actual multiplayer games with the same result every single time. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong.
I have tested this with every single mod I run in my missions (around 40); I have also disabled every mod besides CBA and ALiVE but the same results ensue. Nothing changes. I have also tried all the different settings that the Military IED module has, including simply placing the Military IED module down, syncing it, and not changing the settings at all and leaving the default values. It's very headache inducing and I'm wondering what I can do to fix this issue.
Yeah, the author of this map is still not quite finished and is adding things in on a regular basis. Indexing this map again wouldnt be wise until he's done with all that.