Last active 7 years ago
So, I think Heroes was having the same issue before and I thought I managed to direct him correctly.
I am having issues importing a ZSU 23-2 from RHS into my Pirates faction.
I want to bring in an empty version of the RHS_ZU23_MSV AA turret and man it with a pirate from my Faction.
I have no problems with importing Kords, but with the ZU it will spawn with One Pirate (that I placed in the Crew) and one RHS MSV Russian crewmember.
How do I get that turret into my faction without the Russian Crewmember?
I'm going to have to hit you up to see how that cfgPatches thing works, as I can't figure it out. Might just be the sleep deprivation lately.
Good to see new stuff coming out! I'm going to try to get my Pacific Pirates converted to RHS AFRF tomorrow.
I'll be working on a Pacific Pirates faction that uses the Syndikat as it's base. They will be getting expanded vehicle assets and groups, as well as some heavy weapon support.
I will make a pure vanilla version, and then an RHS RUS version to bring in their weapons and vehicles.
We really need some more naval assets for Pirate/Offshore use. Dinghy's, dhows, small mothercraft, Oil Rigs, etc.
I still can't figure out how to get my units showing in Zeus. I placed all the new unit classnames into the cfgPatches file as indicated, in the syntax as abave, but I still don't show them in Zeus.
Can we get a full run through on how to do that for those of us that require crayon drawings to get stuff done in Arma?
I would suggest building out a simple mission to show spawns of your ORBAT faction, place a Zeus module down, and load the mission up in LAN Multiplayer. That will give you an idea of how OpCOM will handle those vehicles with added infantry units.
I made an ATV and Offroad truck with extra units, and they will spawn and load into the vehicles under OpCom control.
Ares or Achilles? Yes, but not for checking out the new ORBAT stuff. I've been using minimal mods, CBA, ACE, ALIVE.
Edit: Actually, not even ACE for testing purposes. Just CBA and Alive for checking the faction PBO.
Maybe I should try with Achilles on...
I think it was because I threw my faction code inside a Code spoiler and it was very long. I thought I broke the forums or something.
Stuff is still showing up in Editor in Alive, but not showing as Zeus units.
Well, if someone sees a bunch of posts by me, please Admin, delete them. No posts are showing for me for some reason.
Here is a link to the autogen.hpp for my Pacific Pirates.
Nope. I haven't seen anything show in Zeus during previews with just the Orbat mod loaded.
Maybe I'm just missing something like having to have Alive loaded also?
I was under the impression that these ORBATS could be used outside of Alive environments?
I was wondering how to get new ORBAT stuff to show up on Zeus also.