
Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Wed Feb 10 16:43:23 2016

    Nevermind....apparently when my group updated their repo they messed up on which version of ALiVE to add.

  2. Wed Feb 10 16:27:14 2016
    C CNTObi started the conversation SOLVED: Several CUP factions not recognized.

    Trying to set up a mission with CUP to both test it and ALIVE...trying to spawn in CUP_I_TK_GUE, or CUP_O_TK_MILITIA throws a 'no groups error'.

  3. Wed Feb 10 06:31:21 2016
    C CNTObi posted in Logistics (Air Drop).

    Strange, this works for me by just having the logistics modules synced to a commander that has control over the factions from the vehicles.

  4. 9 years ago
    Wed Feb 3 20:18:06 2016
    C CNTObi posted in ALiVE Map List and Descriptions.

    I've been using FSF Al Rayak and it works super well.

  5. Tue Feb 2 22:31:32 2016
    C CNTObi posted in No Commander Options.

    Okay, so this is strange. I got in a vehicle and got out and now it works....*shrug*

  6. Tue Feb 2 22:30:08 2016
    C CNTObi posted in No Commander Options.

    Tested by dropping in a nato guy and giving him the tablet...still nothing. Dropped OPFOR and BLUFOR commanders and objectives, still nothing...which is odd because it works fine on other missions.

  7. Tue Feb 2 22:19:49 2016
    C CNTObi posted in No Commander Options.

    Talk to pilot still works perfectly...the command tablet is not working for me though.

  8. Tue Feb 2 22:09:20 2016
    C CNTObi started the conversation No Commander Options.

    So, I've tried with the tablet, and I've tried with setting a different item, I've tried with the Laser_Designator....but I can't get the commander options to come up.

    I think it might be that the faction we are playing as is from the OPTRE mod....is that the issue or could it be something else?

  9. Thu Jan 28 22:46:06 2016
    C CNTObi posted in Nitrado Persistence (SOLVED).

    Yes, you heard it correctly. One server is not with Nitrado and the persistence works fine on it, but the other (with Nitrado) does not.

    I'll adjust things and give another go.

  10. Thu Jan 28 18:35:40 2016
    C CNTObi posted in Nitrado Persistence (SOLVED).

    plugin 1


    I believe those are correct.

    My player name is Obi
    War-room group is Arma3pro

    I am also still having the issue where its not tracking my data (we have two servers, on one persistence works just fine)

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