

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Thu Oct 5 00:11:45 2017

    Sorry for the multiple answers here:

    Strange, so it can very well save. I just tried "5 call ALiVE_fnc_AutoSave_PNS" in the console and pushed server to execute. Seem to have worked. Reloading the mission and the building I purposely destroyed was still destroyed. So something is wrong with my ESC-Menu buttons!

  2. Wed Oct 4 23:52:11 2017

    Okay, got something now: Saving in Editor Multiplayer works just fine. (At least I hope) Does the persistent save also save Marker? Because it did not for me!

    Anyway, that obviously means...something is odd with my server, but what could it be?

  3. Wed Oct 4 23:41:45 2017

    Nope did not do the trick aswell.

    New ServerRPT: https://pastebin.com/n1Xqb0Sg

    One thing change though: When I clicked "Save & Exit" before the ESC-Menu closed and nothing happened. This time the ESC-Menu stayed and nothing happened.

  4. Wed Oct 4 15:11:18 2017

    That would be really great. This way I can tell my guys how much they suck at keeping CIVs alive!

  5. Wed Oct 4 13:30:42 2017

    Very interesting... it looks like the War Room related stuff works. At least my mission (With aar and stuff) is appearing in the War Room!

  6. Wed Oct 4 13:06:29 2017
    M Moony started the conversation Problem with persistence not working.

    Hey guys,

    I've already said this on the Discord (Moony here): I have the problem that the on my server the persistent save does not work. I don't really have experience with this so I'm fairly positive that I have done something wrong. Maybe you have an idea.

    To answer some questions:
    Yes, Data module is put down in the mission (set to local)
    Yes, modules are all set to persistence
    Yes, @AliveServer is loaded on the server

    Here you have the two log files:
    ServerRPT: https://pastebin.com/dEkdrTAG
    Aliveplugin: https://pastebin.com/rd6fsdYy

    You guys know better what to look for...
    I'm looking forward to your help.

    Many Greetings

  7. 8 years ago
    Sat Jan 14 16:34:32 2017

    Okay, looks like I'm really dumb xD
    We recently made a subdomain for our server IP. For some reason I used that instead of the IP. God, I amaze myself sometimes.

  8. Sat Jan 14 16:03:31 2017

    Hey guys,

    I have big trouble creating a persistent mission. Its my first try so it could be that I'm just plain stupid xD

    I have placed down all Modules I want (obviously not only ALiVE but other mods aswell) - of course also the ALiVE Data Modul.
    I have created an account on the War Room and registered a server. I also followed the instructions there.
    The server launches with the @AliveServer mod.

    But it doesn't seem to connect to the war room at all. I would lie if I'd say I have a single clue what the log says, so I hope I can fix my problem with your help, guys.

    Here you find the Alive Log: http://pastebin.com/vcRbkRQY
    Here you find the Server RTP: http://pastebin.com/aUg7CPbr
    Here you find your start parameter file: http://pastebin.com/UUcy4z5z

    Since I don't know what other info you might need, I'd say, you tell me what you need and I'll deliver.
    I hope you can see my foolish error.

    Many Greetings

  9. 9 years ago
    Fri Feb 19 12:43:01 2016
    M Moony posted in Server freezes (Fixed!).

    My server is after nearly 14h still running! Dunno if its fixed or we just have very much luck.

    A more in reasonable test will be done tomorrow. (Meaning we will actually play then! ^^)

  10. Thu Feb 18 23:33:15 2016
    M Moony posted in Server freezes (Fixed!).

    My first pretty quick testing shows the same:

    I used the same mission as before and flew the same pattern. Above that, since it did not crash, I generated a heavy MCC mission. Still working good. My RAM usage fluctuate between 1965-1970MB.

    Lets watch it a bit more (will let this mission run over the night)

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