

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Thu Jun 16 02:27:22 2016

    I have followed these steps on tutorial.

    1. Open editor, Place headless client. Set it playable and give it variable name.

    2. Set ALiVE(required) module's "ai distribution" as "headless client"

    3. Save the mission and open server with headless client turned on (I used TASDT for this with local client IP adress).

    Is there anything wrong with these steps?

  2. Wed Jun 15 14:48:22 2016

    ok I have followed instructions on some posts of the forum and I tested out my ALiVE mission file on dedicated server. But I couldn't be sure about AI distribution was handled by headless client.... so I ask here to ask how can i confirm that headless client is working.

    by the way I found these on server logs..

    ALiVE [m_24|41] Module ALiVE_sys_newsfeed INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.000991821
    ALIVE AI Distributor exiting, no headless clients [] or not server false

  3. Tue Jun 14 15:50:22 2016

    Thx a lot!!

  4. Tue Jun 14 15:37:41 2016

    You mean editing anything in mission.sqm will foil any saved game made before?

  5. Tue Jun 14 15:05:19 2016

    Hi all. These days I'm getting the ALiVE Mission up and running. But I'm planning to add some scripts (such as repair pad script) or headless client. If I edit mission.sqm a little bit without touching even a single ALiVE modules to add these things in to my game will it affects ALiVE persistency?

  6. Tue Apr 12 15:44:43 2016

    You're a savior of me and my group. I thought I have to play something like MCC generated mission again. Thank you!!

  7. Tue Apr 12 15:11:13 2016
    R Rookie started the conversation Getting weird debug logs... (solved).

    I couldn't fix my persistence problem (stuck at first massage of saving process "ALiVE Persistance - Saving Data - Please Wait" ) so I have enabled Data module's debug function.

    After than somehow without any reason, I got through with the rest of saving process.... but I'm getting these weird debug Logs...

    Like this

    [2016-04-12 22:41:32] [debug] ### Pushing: {"_id":"56_TakistanALiVE7555-LOP_AM-entity_201","_rev":"2-7602e38ac35ff9dafb163d2e13b475c1","position":[5787.61962890625,8968.3203125,0],"profileID":"LOP_AM-entity_201","type":1,"side":2,"ranks":[2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0],"unitClasses":["LOP_AM_Infantry_TL","LOP_AM_Infantry_SL","LOP_AM_Infantry_Corpsman","LOP_AM_Infantry_AT","LOP_AM_Infantry_Rifleman","LOP_AM_Infantry_AR","LOP_AM_Infantry_GL","LOP_AM_Infantry_AR","LOP_AM_Infantry_GL"],"despawnPosition":[0,0],"hasSimulated":"false","activeCommands":[["ALIVE_fnc_garrison","spawn",[30,"false",[0,0,0]]]],"faction":"LOP_AM"}

    [2016-04-12 22:41:32] [debug] ### Pushing: ......

    ALiVE plugin logs.. after saving process has begun
    http://pastebin.com/wQ9tDx66 - first part
    http://pastebin.com/sA3FGjJP - when I'm getting debug logs talking about...

    what's the meaning of "Pushing"?

    Server.rpt logs.. with initial data loading and saving process included.

    And I'm using Legit's OPFOR mod on my mission .pbo on Takistan map(TakistanAlive7555).

  8. Tue Apr 12 03:10:46 2016


    Wait... having problem with server.rpt 's size. Here's original file's google drive link.

  9. Tue Apr 12 02:50:46 2016

    First log file I posted here was some how missing with correct server.rpt so I created new group and new server to get two of them.

    -this is alive log

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