

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    Sat Dec 20 20:13:24 2014
    S stefan103 started the conversation @Aliveserver.

    I downloaded the @Aliveserver folder on to my server what do i do with the plugins in side?

    And in side the @Aliveserver folder there is the "AddIns" folder is it corrector should it be called Addons ?

  2. Fri Dec 19 04:16:36 2014
    S stefan103 posted in Not Loading w/Database Module Placed.

    same here

  3. Thu Dec 18 18:05:28 2014
    S stefan103 posted in Alive doesnt work on a server.

    The mission I made was a "Alive Insurgency" mission "Request Alive" moduel was plced and some others.

    @ALIVEServer and @ALIVE are downloaded on the server the key in the "Key folder".


    RHS: Escalation
    Task Force Radio

    Server parameter

    I cant even play the default mission from Alive.

  4. Thu Dec 18 16:49:10 2014
    S stefan103 started the conversation Alive doesnt work on a server.

    I made insurgency mission with alive I pleased it in my server tryed to start the mission but it didint work

  5. Wed Nov 26 23:22:26 2014
    S stefan103 started the conversation Tutorial/Missions update.


    Ive been trying to make a insurgency on takistan with Alive. I looked for tutuorials and missions but all are outdated even yours.
    Can you please make a tutuorial or update your missions please.

  6. Wed Nov 26 23:04:35 2014
    S stefan103 joined the forum.