Last active 8 years ago
I tried both of those. It kept saying i needed a square bracket inside the quotes for "CS_SLINGLOADING" same for the single quotes. Unless i have a format issue somewhere else in the script.
It would give me this all the time...
...setVariable ["|#|CS_SLINGLOA....missing "]"
Obviously thats the short version of the error.
Edit: will have to try: ""CS_SLINGLOADING""
Just realized that was in your post lol!
Yeah I tried formatting it a hundred ways couldn't get it too work. This was the closest with an undeclared variable error.
["TRANSPORT",[[11695.9,11864.1,0],210,"B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F","STAIRWAY 07","this setVariable [CS_SLINGLOADING, true]",""]] Call ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportAdd;
I was curious if there was a way to enable CAS and Transport to have slingload capabilities when they are spawned post mission init using ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportAdd?
Right now they do not have the option enabled when they load in.
You're my hero! I dont know why i didnt even think to try a different support type! Thank you thank you! This was the final piece to my mission! haha spent hours screwing with it!
SPYDER the hero of the forums!
No, thats the issue no script error I probably tweaked it a few dozen ways and i never generated an error...=/
First of all do i understand this right? I could use this to "spawn" in a CAS, Transport, or arty after init? So mid-game i can call it and it will sync or be synced to the support combat module?
If im not wrong I guess i need help formatting it all out.
This is in combatSupportAdd.sqf being called in the init with execVM "combatSupportAdd.sqf";
SpawnArty =
["ARTILLERY",[[12271.9,8955.47,0],60,"B_MBT_01_arty_F","PHOENIX 1","",""]] Call ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportAdd;
then im throwing this into the OnActivation of a trigger:
0 = [] call SpawnArty ;
Am I confused? lol
Also is there away to call the sub-mod to spawn on say a marker?