

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Aug 30 13:10:13 2016

    I tried both of those. It kept saying i needed a square bracket inside the quotes for "CS_SLINGLOADING" same for the single quotes. Unless i have a format issue somewhere else in the script.

    It would give me this all the time...

    ...setVariable ["|#|CS_SLINGLOA....missing "]"

    Obviously thats the short version of the error.

    Edit: will have to try:

    Just realized that was in your post lol!

  2. Mon Aug 29 01:14:39 2016

    Yeah I tried formatting it a hundred ways couldn't get it too work. This was the closest with an undeclared variable error.

    ["TRANSPORT",[[11695.9,11864.1,0],210,"B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F","STAIRWAY 07","this setVariable [CS_SLINGLOADING, true]",""]] Call ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportAdd;
  3. Sat Aug 27 12:33:00 2016
    R revdogma started the conversation adding Slingload using ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportAdd?.

    I was curious if there was a way to enable CAS and Transport to have slingload capabilities when they are spawned post mission init using ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportAdd?

    Right now they do not have the option enabled when they load in.

  4. Fri Jul 8 19:42:17 2016

    You're my hero! I dont know why i didnt even think to try a different support type! Thank you thank you! This was the final piece to my mission! haha spent hours screwing with it!

  5. Fri Jul 8 18:34:37 2016

    SPYDER the hero of the forums!

    No, thats the issue no script error I probably tweaked it a few dozen ways and i never generated an error...=/

  6. Fri Jul 8 18:15:23 2016

    Darn! Nobody?

  7. Fri Jul 8 01:58:20 2016
    R revdogma started the conversation Help using combatSupportAdd function.

    First of all do i understand this right? I could use this to "spawn" in a CAS, Transport, or arty after init? So mid-game i can call it and it will sync or be synced to the support combat module?

    If im not wrong I guess i need help formatting it all out.

    This is in combatSupportAdd.sqf being called in the init with execVM "combatSupportAdd.sqf";

    SpawnArty = { ["ARTILLERY",[[12271.9,8955.47,0],60,"B_MBT_01_arty_F","PHOENIX 1","",""]] Call ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportAdd; };

    then im throwing this into the OnActivation of a trigger:

    0 = [] call SpawnArty ;

    Am I confused? lol

    Also is there away to call the sub-mod to spawn on say a marker?

  8. Fri Jul 8 01:44:37 2016
    R revdogma joined the forum.