Last active 4 years ago
Sorry to bump this also, after 6 months, but as HaVOS says: it's a suitable title and my question is sorta an extention of the one above regarding non-virtualized units. In my misson I have put eight editor placed AAF officers which need to be eliminated within a full-scale conflict on altis. All officers have a trigger which fires a hint “target X eliminated". when all officers are dead it triggers the mission ending.
Question 1: how do I get the officers to NOT reappear when server restarts. All other stuff persists accordingly.
Question 2: not ALiVE-related but the ending trigger works when the mission is hosted localy, but not on the dedi server. Anyone who have experienced this? Again sorry to bump this. I've tried searching for q1 but not as much q2 tbh.. Thanks for bearing with me.
I also get this error over and over in my .rpt. I tested the enemy on recruit setting and the skill module seems to work anyway though... Their skills definitly where lowered. But yeah, this got me to test ASR :D
@Tupolov helped me with this issue. Maybe the helpful samaritan will do so again? He checked/changed to the correct IP for me. As you say, different IP tried to connect to war room.
Wow! thanks alot Tupolov. Solved!
Hmm, i'm on a rented dedicated. Thanks for the tip. I think ill try from the beginning again. And create a mission with only the nescesarry modules. I'll do some googling as well on the issue you mention. Never thought this would be an issue on a rented server. Appreciate it!
Hmm... Ok, I'm sorry if i'm reeeally slow now. But in the aliveplugin in the server I get this:
[2016-11-02 20:37:40] [info] Configuration found: C:\Users\c2166555\AppData\Local\ALiVE\alive.cfg
[2016-11-02 20:37:40] [info] No URL in config. Using default.
[2016-11-02 20:37:40] [info] Configuration 'alive.cfg' read OK.
[2016-11-02 20:37:40] [debug] Alive Config:
[2016-11-02 20:37:40] [debug] Type: JSON
[2016-11-02 20:37:40] [debug] User: ubo5o7ypi2i6umybukaluzale7ucolut
[2016-11-02 20:37:40] [debug] Pass: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[2016-11-02 20:37:40] [debug] Group: 2NF
[2016-11-02 20:37:40] [debug] URL:
[2016-11-02 20:37:40] [info] Checking WarRoom access...
[2016-11-02 20:37:40] [info] URL:
[2016-11-02 20:37:41] [error] ###### HandleMessage - StartALiVE ######
[2016-11-02 20:37:41] [error] Error: You are not authorized to access ALiVE War Room with this account. Check IP and Groupname.
Note: I have just checked and double checked hostname, IP, server name and so on.
And I have the alive.cfg in my arma3 root on the server which is correct, yes?
And in my .rpt I notice:
20:37:09 Server error: Player without identity Albert (id 1483473685)
- Just updated my player ID in the war room.
and again.. :
0:37:41 ALIVE_SYS_DATA START PLUGIN: ["StartALiVE","ERROR","You are not authorized to access ALiVE War Room with this account. Check IP and Groupname."]
20:37:51 Warning: This version of ALiVE is build for A3 version: 164.138497. The server is running version: 164.138732. Please contact your server administrator and update to the latest ALiVE release version.
-Is this the @ALiVEServer or the mod itself? The @Alivemod is from steam.
*Edit: Ticket created at*
Full .rpt:
No I have not. Can I use baretail on a dedicated, rented server ( )? I will try it tonight. And, I notice in Step 2 that CBA isn't mentioned, but I need that too enabled, yes? And it's optional and I quite frankly don't understand it 100%. I can give it a go if it's nesescary.
And at last this is my server cmdline:
-profiles=C:\games\108_61_98_154_2312\1273263\arma3\config -config=server.cfg -mod=@cba_a3;@alive;@ace;@spyder_addons -servermod=@AliveServer -port=2312 -IP= -world=empty -gtqueryport=2314
Do I need to mention the alive.cfg here as well?
Sorry if all is obvious and for the long post...
Hey, long time lurker, rare contributor here. I have a few questions regarding the Warroom and @Aliveserver:
I have rented a server and want to sync it with the war room for persistense and stats. Nothing fancy as I'm a novice mission-maker, but just some fun on Tanoa with some friends. I use @CBA_A3;@ALiVE;@ace;@spyder_addons. And serverside @Alive_Server. Before adding anything else, like units and equipment, I wan't to learn how to actually get this running properly. Now to the case, and please bear with me, I'm at work and my rpt's are not available right now (Can upload if needed tonight).
I checked my .rpt last night and it said that I don't have permission to access the war room. The alive config file is in the arma3 root folder, which I added my self. BUT, my server provider added the aliveserver mod on the server. This meaning I did not download the mod from war room myself, when setting up the server. Is this a must? Just a thought on that, if something is out of sync or something. My latest .rpt file also says that ALiVE Data is disabled when saving and exiting as admin (which i have verified is enabled in the editor). And it also tels me to verify IP and Port. Which I did...
And, I remember vaguely readeing somewhere that the .pbo and onLoadName have to be the same? Can someone confirm this?
Another issue I get, before loging in as admin the .rpt tells me that error: unknown user is connecting (something like that). Is my PID somehow related to the war room, and maybe I have switched profile after to formatting or something after registration. I dunno, if that's the case should i re-register?
Lastly, the server starts and it plays fine so far, but the topping on the icecake would be the persistensy working.
Well, thanks for your time.
I'm posting here since my problem is related. In my case it's the same with vehicles. When I call in some troops and some empty vehicles, the troops arrives, but no vehicles. And those choppers who are supposed to bring the vehicles takes off right after landing, so I'm always late when trying to interact with them. I'm gonna test with crates tonight. I'm new into editing with this Alivemod.