Last active 7 years ago
Went ahead and made my own small ORBAT faction, still a no - go, same error pops up with
" Player without identity "
It only happens when running an ORBAT addon on my dedicated, will dig further into it tommorow
Thats a thought;
Do virtual profiles use their weapon stats when engaged virtually? Im curious if lowering accuracy of weapons would give longer firefights in virtual space?
17:19:05 Connected to Steam servers
17:28:33 String STR_DN_officer not found
17:28:33 String STR_DN_officers not found
17:28:33 String STR_DN_mgunner not found
17:28:33 String STR_DN_mgunners not found
17:28:33 String STR_DN_Medic not found
17:28:33 String STR_DN_Medics not found
17:28:33 String STR_DN_launcherSoldier not found
17:28:33 String STR_DN_launcherSoldiers not found
17:28:33 Mission VietnamTEST.DaKrong: Missing 'description.ext::Header'
17:28:35 Server error: Player without identity {RRF} Cpt. Smith (id 599816151)
This is what is popping up on the server, no idea what this would be from 0_o
However, trying without any verification of signatures DID work. Server was up and running with clients able to connect. Looks like it's a signature issue
EDIT: after re-signing the files and creating a key again, still having that same issue :/
@marceldev89 The keys are easy to test, just disable signature checking on the server. If it works, it's the keys that are causing problems. :P
Going to test that right now!
Unsung is being run on the server, as is the @UNSUNG_ALIVE mod. Keys for the original & the key I made for the @UNSUNG_ALIVE are loaded onto the server.
I'm wondering if I should make my own faction within ORBAT and (Hopefully) it was just something wrong with the configs in the download?
That or it might be a Key / Signature issue
Hey all,
I'm currently running UNSUNG mod (t'is awesome!) on my dedicated server, I downloaded and it works awesome when hosted on my PC, however it kicks players off the server. Tried using Arma Tools to create a key for it so that I can run it on dedicated, but to no avail.
Tried looking around here and wiki, but didn't see any other issues similar...perhaps i'm missing something obvious?
Any ideas or suggestions?
EDIT: when the Key is made and on server, it kicks with no error message, simply "You were kicked from the game". Running without the @UNSUNG_ALIVE lets you into the server, but doesn't show enemies / allies.
Ohh, good thinking!
I'm in the editor now, will test and let you know!
Hey all!
Got another noobish question for anyone willing to answer, whenever I do a server save and exit, then join back in, our vehicles are all messed up (Creating duplicates of vehicles / Spawns new vehicles on top of existing ones etc).
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, any pointers?
Hmm, that's a shame.
Would an Addaction command work?
Instead of the audio being played constant, the players can interact with a control panel and perhaps restart / change station so that others can hear it too?