

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    Wed Oct 8 15:44:40 2014
    K kybosh posted in Server ip conflict .



    thanks ARjay

  2. Wed Oct 8 03:38:15 2014
    K kybosh started the conversation Server ip conflict .

    ARjay is it possible to get our server ip and group wiped from the ALiVe db.

    We had a group leader delete his account and not promote an admin so we had to create a new group because we could not access the group details and server details. Now we have 2 groups with the same server ip and there seems to be a conflict because some members player data does not stream to the new server battle feed like it did with the first group and server but yet some do. There seems to be a conflict now I assume .

  3. Tue Sep 23 02:12:59 2014
    K kybosh posted in CIV MIL placement issue.

    That was the issue ARjay.. Thanks bro..

    That @agm mod screws with your mod alot. I wonder why?

    Thanks again looking forward to .8

  4. Mon Sep 22 19:03:17 2014
    K kybosh posted in CIV MIL placement issue.

    ok will do..thanks and great mod BTW. I donated for the cause

  5. Mon Sep 22 01:47:41 2014
    K kybosh posted in Profile system bug?.

    I have been having strange things happen with the modules aswell that where not happening before. Maybe .80 will fix these bugs

  6. Mon Sep 22 01:44:00 2014
    K kybosh started the conversation CIV MIL placement issue.

    Mil Placements (civ. mil.)..everything works fine in the editor.All units spawn within the marker placement but when I upload the mission pbo into the server the no units spawn. None of my completed missions spawn units within the ALiVE civ mil placements but they worked fine before. They worked fine a day ago but now nothing. I am running agm mod. That mod by the way screws with combat supports radio

    I do not know if this is a server issue or what... Anybody have any opinions

  7. Thu Aug 21 19:48:24 2014
    K kybosh joined the forum.