Last active 4 years ago
After some further testing utilizing dixon's snippet above, but pausing/unpausing the entire ALIVE_SYS_PROFILE, ALIVE_MIL_OPCOM, and ALIVE_AMB_CIV_POPULATION trifecta, everything seems to do what I was originally aiming to achieve. While an unchecked asymmetrical commander will still populate 5km x 5km Kunduz in short order, at least for sessions left on throughout the week we still stand a chance of holding ground against an enemy OPCOM that's not running rampant while the server is empty.
Thanks again guys. ALiVE, and ALiVE community, is absolutely brilliant!
- D
Hate to bump, but I'm still not seeing this working as I'd expect with the asymmetrical OPCOM... Would it be possible that another module, civilian-related perhaps, would have to be paused as well, as they seem to do some of the legwork for the asym commander?
Best regards and thanks,
- D
As is, it still seems like my asymmetrical OPCOM goes buckwild with recruiting and seizing objectives while server is empty. Definitely a step in the right direction though, and seems very sound logically. Still playing with it and will notify with any changes if I see it working 100%.
- D
Outfreakin'standing dixon! Appreciate it.
- D
So I have a Kunduz-based mission that utilizes an asymmetric OPCOM which starts on the east side of the map, and typically within a couple uninterrupted hours has started taking root on objectives to the west. It takes root and recruits, and recruits, and recruits...and if I leave the session up overnight, one returns to a sea of hostile patrols, practically evvvvverywherrrrre.
But, in the interest of looking at ways of throttling the rate of their progress just a wee a bit, I came across mention in the wiki that a trigger could be sync'd to OPCOM that, when all conditions have been satisfied, would basically free up OPCOM to do its thing, but when that trigger was negated, the OPCOM would wrap-up its assigned objectives and wait. The wiki mentioned that this could be utilized to suspend OPCOM operations on an empty server, for instance...
With my limited trigger experience all I could think of to do so far for such an effect was create a full-map trigger, set it to Anyone/Present with a "vehicle player in thisList;" conditional, and sync it to the OPCOM. However, this doesn't see to have any effect. I'm not sure if this is due to the nature of the asymmetric OPCOM or I'm just way off on the trigger execution.
Has anyone had any success setting up a similar mechanism? Care to share basic setup? Do I need to maybe try unsyncing and just pause/unpause many modules with the trigger activation/deactivation settings?
Thank you for your time,
- Crap
I do notice a little bit of script lag when using high percentages for CQB with headless clients in larger urban environments, but this is to be expected. Basically we find it best to resist jumping right into these zones too quickly. If we make a more casual approach to these areas, giving the HC a minute or two lead-time with us in the area to spawn in units well ahead, we don't experience any surprise spawns right on top of us.
I believe there may be an issue with JIP and the Insurgency mission included with 0.9.5. JIP clients appear to not be able to pick up valid intel as the CACHE object is reset null for them in common_defines since, if I understand correctly, init gets called post-publicVariables. Preempting the declaration with an isNull check seems to resolve the immediate issue, but may very well cause new problems elsewhere.
Real excited about the developments guys, keep up the great work!
In my experience, the CQB module will populate only, and uses unit counts separate of any synced Military Placement module. Only the decimation of that placement module's patrolling troops, synced upstream to a Military AI Commander module, would prompt logistics/reinforcements.
The CQB module syncs only to a Military Placement module, if I understand correctly, and does so to adapt to only that placement module's factions and locations, instead of populating the whole map.
Yeah same here. Despite Player Command module settings, the sector coloration is gone as of this latest update.