

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Thu Jun 8 13:06:30 2017
    Inspire1 posted in Vanilla Missions.

    @JD_Wang That sounds pretty interesting, so you did more of a conventional vs insurgency vs conventional style? I have been working on some missions where the Russians have annexed most of the southern bases on Takistan, and then a few villages ran by an local insurgency. With the Russians to the south and the Takistan Army to the north. But I am looking for a mission where either the Russians or the U.S. is supporting the local army to help defeat a insurgency, but unsure of which faction to use. As both are world super powers with the capability of destroying an insurgency.

  2. Wed Jun 7 15:21:24 2017
    Inspire1 posted in Vanilla Missions.

    Well I mean you can always just pillage everything and make it so the insurgency doesn't have much to go on. But that would be the opposite of what we want lol. I mean Russia managed to defeat some Insurgencies by totally destroying cities. Is it just bluefor units that aren't working correctly? or can opfor units still get reinforcements afterwards?

    Question on the Russian faction now, do they have tanks included with it? Because I know they are separate factions..

  3. Wed Jun 7 14:49:14 2017
    Inspire1 posted in Vanilla Missions.

    @AUTigerGrad Have you ever beaten an Insurgency Campaign?

  4. Wed Jun 7 14:48:27 2017
    Inspire1 posted in Vanilla Missions.

    @AUTigerGrad I would love for the Insurgencies to eventually be able to capture vehicles and weapons from armies and use them against them. Or even a money system to supply arms. But that seems like a more in depth style.

  5. Wed Jun 7 14:47:29 2017
    Inspire1 posted in Vanilla Missions.

    @HeroesandvillainsOS Is that on the Wiki Page for ALiVE in the excel sheet?

  6. Wed Jun 7 13:30:04 2017
    Inspire1 posted in Vanilla Missions.

    @JD_Wang What kind of missions do you play against the rebels and AAF?

  7. Wed Jun 7 13:27:56 2017
    Inspire1 posted in Vanilla Missions.

    But I am using some sound mods, display mods, and the russia faction 2035 which isn't bad at all for working in ALiVE. @HeroesandvillainsOS @AUTigerGrad I heard they broke the Russian faction for RHS, is that fixed?

  8. Wed Jun 7 13:26:50 2017
    Inspire1 posted in Vanilla Missions.

    hahaha, I use to not be able to play without mods, but sometimes its better to have a good smooth game. I mean I play with the AAF vs FIA when playing vanilla.

  9. Tue Jun 6 18:43:05 2017
    Inspire1 posted in Vanilla Missions.

    I do enjoy less conflicts, I was wondering if VCOM is okay to use as well?

  10. Tue Jun 6 16:59:01 2017
    Inspire1 started the conversation Vanilla Missions.


    I am starting to slowly get tired of having too many mods such as the RHS & CUP. I haven't tried making a mission on Vanilla Arma 3 with the mod, so I am wondering does it work efficiently with insurgencies on Vanilla? using the map Altis? If so, what kind of settings should I use for best FPS? I am looking at using some mods that are more cosmetic then anything, and Russia 2035. It is going to be the AAF vs Insurgent FIA vs Russia. Wondering how best to set this up?

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