psianh auvyander


Last active 8 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Sat Jul 18 17:32:48 2015
    P psianh auvyander posted in RHS, CAF AG, and ALiVE.

    I wasn't able to fix this unfortunately. Oh well :(

  2. Mon Jul 6 03:48:14 2015
    P psianh auvyander posted in RHS, CAF AG, and ALiVE.

    I've found this (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?185069-RHS-Compatibile-CAF-Aggessors-Config/page5 ) which does allow me to use caf_ag_me_ti but it doesn't seem to cause them to fight the rhs_faction_vdv (not to mention the caf_ag_me_ti units are African rebels).

    Oh well :(

  3. Sun Jul 5 21:08:04 2015
    P psianh auvyander started the conversation RHS, CAF AG, and ALiVE.

    I'm not sure where the problem might lie (I've asked in the respective mod threads as well), but I'm having an issue in one of my missions that I don't seem to recall ever having experienced before.

    I've got three militar commanders: rhs_usarmy_d, caf_ag_me_t, and rhs_faction_vdv. The usarmy will fight appropriately with caf and rhs, but rhs and caf will not.

    Has anyone experienced anything like this and might it be related to ALiVE, or does the issue lie with the individual mods?

  4. Sun May 10 21:52:13 2015
    P psianh auvyander posted in War Room Background Map Issue.

    @Friznit Gotcha! On a related note does anyone know what the difference is between an event and an AAR in the timeline as far as creation parameters?

    Obviously an event happens on single actions (getting in or out of a vehicle, killing an enemy) but I haven't been able to determine what creates an AAR and what that information is supposed to represent. Is it the amount of enemies killed in a specific time period? Is it known locations of enemies?

  5. Sun May 10 09:43:29 2015
    P psianh auvyander started the conversation War Room Background Map Issue.

    I opened up the Show Operation page for one of the missions my server has running and I'm able to see the events in the timeline, but the background is blank.

    I receive this error when I inspect the page:

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://db.alivemod.com/maps/sara/3/0/2.png

    Any ideas if this is something that may be at fault on my end?

  6. Thu May 7 22:01:01 2015
    P psianh auvyander posted in War Room Oddities.


    My username is Seth in Arma, which may help you narrow down any issues with me.

    Another username that's connected in this server is Wing, for comparison's sake.

  7. Thu May 7 02:50:13 2015
    P psianh auvyander posted in War Room Oddities.

    Any ideas? :/

  8. Mon May 4 03:18:09 2015
    P psianh auvyander started the conversation War Room Oddities.

    I've successfully run and used the War Room once before on a previous server, using the same server rental company (FPS Players), but I seem to be having some trouble getting all the kinks worked out this time.

    In my Group Profile in the War Room, (https://imgur.com/gJVhe4S ) I can see a lot of stats, but it doesn't quite reflect the accurate situation. For example, the Battle Feed seems to be up to date, but my kills (Seth) should be MUCH higher than three and the Most Recent Operation section doesn't reflect the same information as the Battle Feed does. I've checked to make sure my User ID is correct, and it is.

    Clicking on the name of a mission in either the Battle Feed or the Most Recent Operation doesn't display the timeline as you would expect.

    I've included my NLog file (http://pastebin.com/W5mz6N15 ) and my Alive Log (http://pastebin.com/xyke70j4 ). Please let me know if there's any other information you'd like to see.

  9. Sun May 3 02:36:23 2015
    P psianh auvyander posted in C2ISTAR Map.

    I've been using the Ctab mod and I really like the way they handle the map/tablet combo. Perhaps one day my wish will come true.

  10. Sat May 2 23:31:52 2015
    P psianh auvyander started the conversation C2ISTAR Map.

    I would love to be able to use the C2ISTAR tablet for just its map functionality. Is this ever going to be a possibility?

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