Last active 6 years ago
Lessons learned after banging my head against the wall all day.
So I'm calling ZEC classNames as per their GitHub and I'm getting:
12:34:03 ALIVE CMP - Placement 12:34:03 [TIMER STARTED] 12:34:03 ALIVE CMP: Custom composition 'WalledHQ' not found! 12:34:03 ALIVE CMP [50] - Size: 50 Priority: 100 12:34:03 ALIVE CMP [1] - SideNum: 1 Side: WEST Faction: CUP_B_CDF Composition: WalledHQ 12:34:03 ALIVE CMP [CUP_B_CDF] - Force creation 12:34:03 ALIVE CMP Count Armor: 0 12:34:03 ALIVE CMP Count Mech: 0 12:34:03 ALIVE CMP Count Motor: 0 12:34:03 ALIVE CMP Count Infantry: 10 12:34:03 ALIVE CMP Count Spec Ops: 5 12:34:03 ALIVE CMP [[]] - Groups 12:34:03 ALIVE CMP - Total profiles created: 0 12:34:03 ALIVE CMP - Placement completed 12:34:03 [TIMER ENDED : 0.00683594] 12:34:03 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12:34:03 ALIVE CMP - Warning no HQ locations found, spawning composition 12:34:03 Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/FieldHQLarge/FieldHQ_IND_F,[2526.61,5067.94,0],94.331,"CUP_B_CDF"] 12:34:03 ALiVE [m_20|180] Module ALiVE_mil_OPCOM INIT 12:34:03 ALiVE OPCOM Waiting for Virtual AI System...
Any thoughts or help appreciated.
ANNND... in configViewer, ObjectCompositions is empty.
Well, I should RTFM. You can call (the now sorta hidden) Splendid configViewer with
call BIS_fnc_configViewer;
in debug console. Now I just have to find the Zec and Zeccup classNames.
Where do I get the classNames for Compositions? The log states that it is creating an HQ like this: bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/FieldHQMedium/FieldHQ_IND_F,[3697.46,5968.02],221.55,"CUP_B_CDF"
Where do I get FieldHQ_IND_F due to the fact that config.bin is binary? I can't see it in Eden.
Also, wasn't this field a drop-down at some point? Thanks!
@HeroesandvillainsOS That said I never tried.
I'll try it and report back here. What the hell.
Good question, even in High mode they're easy prey for AA missiles fired by AI, I've noticed.
Is it possible to place a Command AI with say OPFOR as the faction and Invade as the behaviour and another Command AI with OPFOR and Asymmetric as the behaviour?
Thought so, thanks. For the record, I tried placing nearly every type of runway asset with both terrain snap and sea level snap. No dice. I also tried pre-placed empty aircraft for the AI to use. They all get stuck at the end of a runway asset and stop taxiing. Interesting path finding on the AI crews running out to the aircraft too. There are bushes on the north edge of the airstrip and instead of running straight out to the aircraft, the AI will sign zig through the bushes.
I set up one insurgency and an occupying force and it works just fine. I added an opposing faction's insurgency to the mission and the latter insurgency is no longer active. Is this by design or a misconfig on my part?