

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Wed Jun 13 17:59:21 2018
    xetra11 posted in Limit Combat Support?.

    Alright thank you very much!

    Might it happen that VCOM hijacks my artillery units even tho they are bound to my combat support?

  2. Tue Jun 12 21:17:25 2018
    xetra11 started the conversation [ORBAT] Import Unit of another Faction?.

    I wonder if this is possible?
    I wanted to create a new Bundeswehr Faction because CUP_GER has Dingos but BWMod Faction has APCs the Pumas. I want to combine both units in one new Faction which also should be compatible with ALIVE but no luck on that because I can not figure out how to do this?

    I think it is not possible right?

  3. Sun Jun 10 16:38:15 2018

    Hey again,

    Sorry for these many questions but I really cannot find similar posts. What kinda is strange because I am sure it is a common issue.

    When I have "Clear the Area" Tasks generated and assigned I cannot seem to solve the task. I cleared the whole area of enemies. I activated the profile debugger to find enemies in the area and ghost mode and teleport to eleminate them. After the area was clear nothing happened to the task?

    Do I have to make a SITREP or PATREP to complete it or what?


  4. Sun Jun 10 11:03:13 2018
    xetra11 started the conversation Limit Combat Support?.

    I really browsed the forums but could not find an answer to this. Only a discussion from 2016 where I am sure there are already new approaches to this now.

    Three questions I have here:

    #1 Can I add a limited use or cooldown time for calling support?
    At the moment I am allowed to spam artillery the whole time. No resources are used from the Logistics and nobody is telling me to calm down ;)

    #2 Can I attach the Combat Support to the OPCOM?
    I kinda feel it is possible but could not find a wiki article to that. I want the support to be used by my OPCOM so I have to wait until he has finished (and I think he will use it more often than me)

    #3 Is the enemy or my own OPCOM actually using kind of hidden combat support (hidden: like scripted impacts)
    Why I am asking; I was attacking a village and as the enemy pushed into it suddenly artillery strikes came in. I did not ordered any. I am not sure if it was the enemy OPCOM or my OPCOM. If it was mine - did he used the Combat Support Modules I placed? Or does he spawn own ones or even use scripted strikes (because I never saw an option in the placements module to place artillery units)

    Sorry for these many questions but I really want to dive into ALiVE because it is the mod I always dreamed of ;)


  5. Sun Jun 10 10:54:30 2018
    xetra11 started the conversation Remove Combat Resupply from C2ISTAR?.

    Hey guys!

    I want to provide the following setup or better said constraints for the types of Alive support controls.

    To use Resupply and Combat Support you have to own a SEM 70 radio
    To use C2ISTAR functions you have to own the Alive Tablet

    Constrain setup (in the editor modules):

    Combat Support: ACRE_SEM70
    Resupply: ACRE_SEM70
    C2ISTAR: alive_tablet

    When the player only owns a SEM 70 he has access to Resupply and Combat Support. Exactly what I wanted.
    When the player only owns the Alive Tablet he has access to C2ISTAR functions BUT also to Resupply.

    Is there a way to kind of remove Resupply from C2ISTAR?

    I hope I was clear enough on that issue!

  6. Sun Jun 10 08:03:09 2018

    Hey there,

    Okay that's the way then? I kinda was sure there was something like an option where u could just say u need support and any random unit nearby would come to aid.

    thanks tho!

  7. Sat Jun 9 22:56:51 2018
    xetra11 started the conversation Request nearby units to help out?.

    One time I read about this feature but I can not find it anymore browsing google and the forums. It was a feature where u were able to call nearby groups as support to your objective. Somebody mentioned that you should define a low radius so not that many groups will be disturbed with their own undergoing.

    Can anybody tell me if this feature still exists and in which module to find it?

    Thank you!


  8. Sat Jun 9 09:27:15 2018
    xetra11 joined the forum.