

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Thu Jul 30 19:19:36 2015
    C cowboydk started the conversation persistence problems.

    Hey guys, i cant seem to get persistence to work, only time persists. here is my log :
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info Arma2NET running on CLR 4.0.30319.42000
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info Loaded into process arma3server
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info Loading addins
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Error Failed to create addin application domain ALiVEPlugIn for D:\STEAM GAMES\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@AliveServer\AddIns\ALiVEPlugIn\ALiVEPlugIn.dll
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Warn Falling back to the main application domain
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Error Failed to create addin application domain DateTimePlugin for D:\STEAM GAMES\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@AliveServer\AddIns\DateTimePlugin\DateTimePlugin.dll
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Warn Falling back to the main application domain
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info Domain Name Version Publisher Description
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info DefaultDomain SendxRTML Tupolov Sends data to an xRTML service
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info DefaultDomain GetBulkJSON Tupolov Gets record from bulk data stack
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info DefaultDomain StartALiVE Tupolov Returns the startup data
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info DefaultDomain SendJSON Tupolov Send data as JSON to a URL, accepts url, method, module, data returns json string
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info DefaultDomain ServerLocation Tupolov Returns the ARMA 2 server geo location.
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info DefaultDomain ServerAddress Tupolov Returns the ARMA 2 server IP address.
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info DefaultDomain GetWeatherLocation Tupolov Gets Weather Location - accepts location (country/city) string returns json string
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info DefaultDomain SendBulkJSON Tupolov Sends bulk data as JSON to a URL, accepts url, method, module, data returns json string
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info DefaultDomain SendJSONToFile Tupolov Send data asynchronously as JSON to a File, accepts module, data returns string
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info DefaultDomain ServerName Tupolov Returns the ARMA 2 server name.
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info DefaultDomain ServerHostName Tupolov Returns the ARMA 2 server host name as seen in the MP play list.
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info DefaultDomain SendJSONAsync Tupolov Send data asynchronously as JSON to a URL, accepts url, method, module, data returns json string
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info DefaultDomain GroupName Tupolov Returns the group ID specified in ALiVE.cfg.
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info DefaultDomain GetWeather Tupolov Gets Weather data - accepts year,month,day,hour and location (string city or lon/lat) returns json string
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info DefaultDomain DateTime Scott_NZ Returns the current date and time.
    07/30/2015 03:09:06 Info Arma2NET initialized in 00:00:00.3158652
    07/30/2015 03:09:50 Error Caught exception of type System.Net.WebException
    System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
    at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address)
    at ALiVEPlugIn.ServerAddress._download_serialized_json_data[T](String url)
    at ALiVEPlugIn.ServerAddress.Invoke(String args, Int32 maxResultSize)
    at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.DomainInvokeAddIn()
    at System.AppDomain.DoCallBack(CrossAppDomainDelegate callBackDelegate)
    at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.InvokeAddIn(String addInName, String arguments, Int32 maxResultSize)
    at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeBuiltInOrAddIn(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)
    at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeFunction(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)
    07/30/2015 03:09:50 Error function: ServerAddress
    07/30/2015 03:09:50 Error maxResultSize: 10239
    07/30/2015 03:10:11 Error Caught exception of type System.Net.WebException
    System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
    at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address)
    at ALiVEPlugIn.ServerAddress._download_serialized_json_data[T](String url)
    at ALiVEPlugIn.ServerAddress.Invoke(String args, Int32 maxResultSize)
    at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.DomainInvokeAddIn()
    at System.AppDomain.DoCallBack(CrossAppDomainDelegate callBackDelegate)
    at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.InvokeAddIn(String addInName, String arguments, Int32 maxResultSize)
    at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeBuiltInOrAddIn(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)
    at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeFunction(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)
    07/30/2015 03:10:11 Error function: ServerAddress
    07/30/2015 03:10:11 Error maxResultSize: 10239

    -Got any ideas as to what i happening?

  2. Wed Jul 29 08:38:15 2015
    C cowboydk started the conversation C2istar problem on dedicated server.

    Hello devs! :-) im having a problem with the c2istar module on my dedicated server. when a player dies a couple of times he cant generate new tasks. he´s got access to the c2istar interface and can set all the options, but nothing pops up... any ideas?

  3. 10 years ago
    Mon Sep 22 11:19:23 2014
    C cowboydk posted in Profile system bug?.

    hmm... fixed it! copied everything from my mission and pasted it into a new one, and like magic it works again.... *edit* my mistake, it still didnt fix it...

  4. Sun Sep 21 23:49:12 2014
    C cowboydk started the conversation Profile system bug?.

    no matter what i do, the profile system keeps profiling all units... tried all options, any ideas as to what could cause this?

  5. Fri Aug 29 09:47:15 2014
    C cowboydk posted in Player persistence.

    Thanks for the quick reply! :-)
    If i give both factions CAS and ARTY, then at random only one of each works for each side, and resupply doesn't work at all if all three sides have playable units, any ideas? and just to rule out wrong unit types assigned to each sides cad and arty, thats been checked, and double checked, so thats not the problem. also both sides can see all the assigned CAS units, but can't interact with them...
    Could it be a JIP issue, because if the mission is run as a dedicated server, then the first time a player joins, he will get both combat support and player resupply menu entrée twice, until he dies and respawns. after that the menu is fixed and both entries only show up once...
    One final question for now, is it possible for players to request a mission from opcom?

  6. Fri Aug 29 02:44:29 2014
    C cowboydk started the conversation Player persistence.

    Hello Devs! first of all, congrats on an amazing mod! :-)

    1. Is its possible to make it so that player data gets wiped on faction change, i e from opfor to civilian?
    2. is it possible to exclude civilians from using player resupply and combat support?
    3. is it possible for both opfor and blufor to have player resupply and combat support enabled, and if so, how?
    4. Could you guys add a tutorial video for the multispawn module, as i can't seem to get it working?

    Sorry for the barrage of questions! :-)

  7. Fri Aug 29 02:38:41 2014
    C cowboydk joined the forum.