

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    Thu Mar 26 18:34:01 2015
    E edfathead posted in Alive not recognizing RHS.

    RHS Is all kinds of screwed up :/ I have been at the computer for days trying to get it running with Alive. I think because each side has been split into small separate factions no matter which one you use there will be something missing. No Helicopters for one faction, no infantry for another etc..

    I am completely in love with the models units & sounds & now cant go back to Vanilla Future Weaponry, Nostalgia strikes deep from Operation Flash Point.

  2. Wed Mar 25 11:34:32 2015
    E edfathead posted in Multiple RHS Factions.

    Ok :) So I have done just that & it seems to be working, Thank you. :) So you can have multiple factions entered in the AI Commander but each one needs its own Mil Placement.

    Oh & no Brackets, quotes or spaces

  3. Tue Mar 24 15:10:20 2015
    E edfathead posted in Alive not recognizing RHS.

    So is there a way to use more than one faction per side? eg. USmc & USarmy? vs rhs_faction_msv & rhs_faction_vdv?

  4. Tue Mar 24 14:54:22 2015
    E edfathead posted in Multiple RHS Factions.

    I have been struggling with this for longer than I care to admit.
    I have just managed to get both factions spawning by placing two separate command structures Mil Commander - Mil Placement etc for each faction. I will do some play Testing to see if they actually work together and attack. (All under one TOAR & no error popups which is promising.)

    The brackets did not seem to help.

  5. Tue Mar 24 13:07:12 2015
    E edfathead started the conversation Multiple RHS Factions.

    Hi guys. So if I am wanting two or more factions (from the same side of course) to spawn how do I do this?

    Military AI COMMANDER
    FACTION OVERRIDE - "rhs_faction_usarmy_wd","rhs_faction_usmc_wd"
    (please note the quotations as suggested in the mouse over tip)

    FORCE FACTION - rhs_faction_usarmy_wd, rhs_faction_usmc_wd
    (please note the "no" quotations but a space between as suggested in the mouse over tip)

    I have tried all options with & without quotes. Each of the factions work on their own but not together. I have also tried it with other factions.

  6. Wed Sep 17 13:54:37 2014
    E edfathead started the conversation alive mp - warning no hq locations found .

    "alive mp - warning no hq locations found"

    WTF is this now? Are there any missions out there that are just templates running all the mods in there correct configurations? even just a map split down the middle with both sides set to occupy. Support, Logistics, Resupply the works...

  7. Thu Sep 11 16:59:26 2014

    Is it posable to have more than 1 fixed wing support? I find when I place them on the taxi way or ramp they tend to get stuck on each other or drive cross country.

  8. Sat Sep 6 05:14:43 2014
    E edfathead posted in Persistance & Database.

    Ok Sorry, So turns out its only for Servers :( No Single Player Saving?

  9. Sat Sep 6 03:32:10 2014
    E edfathead started the conversation Persistance & Database.

    Am I missing something that everyone else seems to understand? I cant seem to find any Info on using the Database/Persistence in the editor. If somebody could point me in the right direction that would be super. Even a mission template with all modules working for me to study would be great.

  10. Thu Sep 4 14:40:33 2014
    E edfathead posted in Team Switch.

    Ok so I have found it is profiling the units regardless if they are synched or not. If I crank the spawn radius up to 20,000 it's resolved. Trouble is then my frames drop to 5 cos everything is spawned on the map. :( is there a way around this? Other than keeping my units closer together.

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