Last active 5 years ago
Looks like its saving and loading data fine. The RPT shows data loading, are you sure you've setup player options correctly?
Thank you @Chewdog! Glad you are enjoying it!
Seasons Greetings and Merry Xmas to you.
Make sure you have the latest ALiVEClient_x64.dll too. Write to file is 64-bit variant only.
It should write to a folder in your Arma 3 directory. Can you give me the RPT with the error please?
New release has some major new features... Please check it out...
Ensure that your MACC HQ is protected by friendly forces i.e. ensure Friendly OPCOM are nearby.
Real weather covers:
Here's the wind calc
// Calculate Wind _windDir = parseNumber ([GVAR(REAL_WEATHER),"wdird", random 360] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet); _windSpeed = parseNumber ([GVAR(REAL_WEATHER),"wspdm", 1 + (random 5)] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet); setWind [-_windSpeed * sin(_windDir), -_windSpeed * cos(_windDir), true];
Why have you put "CUP_O_RU-" ?
It should be "CUP_O_RU"
By default CIVS are considered friendly to side WEST, killing more than 2 CIVS should impact a player's rating where they are attacked by friendly AI.
We could add something to civ pop module that shows CIV kills in a UI.