Last active 7 years ago
now im not entire sure it was the issue because ive had it had several times after that, im not sure of the direct relation of the problem to any mod
Hey All, I pulled off all the cse respawn and bluforce tracking items from all my air land units and it fixed the view distance error. just thought i would pass that along incase someone else has it happen to them. I will also add that they were tied into rhs tanks nothing standard vanilla.
yes, -
So I had this error randomly popup on me once already. on my community's mission I was working on had the military cqb and military placement were linked. I didnt get this and Ive seen alive do weird thing when anything like that is linked. So I delinked it and I got this problem. You load your mission in editor and at first there is no view distance problems, than the loading screen pops up again and than you can only see 100 meters and when you go to use the alive menu only view distance shows up on the list but its also broken and I get this msg.
RPT error
9:29:49 Error in expression <e getvariable["minTG", 2];
_minsettg = parseNumber _mingettg;
if (_minsettg ==>
9:29:49 Error position: <parseNumber _mingettg;
if (_minsettg ==>
9:29:49 Error parsenumber: Type Number, expected String
9:29:49 File x\alive\addons\sys_viewdistance\fnc_vdist_init.sqf, line 9
9:29:49 "FlexiMenu ADD: ALiVE_ui_display"
the first time it happened I had relinkd the 2 modules and it went away, im not sure what i did this time other than possibly link some cse blufor tracking names to land and air units. the problem is i cant figure it out and I didnt save this mission prior to this error.
Any help or feedback on this would be extremely appreciated since everything else in my mission is near complete and fixed except for this severe issue.