

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    Thu Jan 8 04:36:02 2015

    I've seen the same behavior when trying to insert in wooded terrain on CLAfghan in a UH80. It did seem to work correctly on open terrain

  2. Thu Jan 8 02:05:09 2015
    F Fat_Lurch posted in Extra Pilots on benches of MH-9?.

    Has there been any luck solving this issue?

  3. Fri Dec 5 06:41:14 2014

    I get the same issue when using CAF_AG and mas_usa_rang. The BLUFOR OPCOM is using mas_usa_rang, and the PCL does not respond.

  4. Wed Nov 5 12:51:16 2014
    F Fat_Lurch posted in Extra Pilots on benches of MH-9?.

    Thanks ARJay

  5. Wed Nov 5 01:40:35 2014
    F Fat_Lurch started the conversation Extra Pilots on benches of MH-9?.

    Since version 1.34 of ARMA3 came out, I see 4 extra pilots sitting on the benches of the MH-9s in my mission. Am I the only person seeing this? I've tried creating a new mission, and I get the same result.

  6. Tue Nov 4 23:52:19 2014
    F Fat_Lurch posted in Modify cargo in transport assets?.

    Yes, the vehicle is linked to the player combat support module. I tried adding the parameters to the transport module.

  7. Mon Oct 20 01:00:26 2014
    F Fat_Lurch posted in Make ARMA Not War Competition.


  8. Fri Oct 17 02:40:50 2014
    F Fat_Lurch started the conversation Modify cargo in transport assets?.

    Hello, my name is Erik.

    First and foremost, thank you to the ALiVE team for the tremendous addition to ARMA 3. This mod makes the game playable for my friends and I.

    I apologize if this is a stupid question or if it has been answered elsewhere; I did search this forum and online before posting (hopefully not poorly).

    I would like to modify the cargo contents of a transport asset. I tried the commands below in the initialization of the transport asset and they don't seem to have any effect.
    clearItemCargo this;
    clearItemCargo helo1; //Where my asset was named helo1
    this additemcargo["itemname", 5];
    helo1 additemcargo["itemname", 5];

    Am I simply doing something incorrectly, or is this functionality not implemented?

    Thank you for your time!

  9. Fri Oct 17 02:32:23 2014
    F Fat_Lurch joined the forum.