You pick i build, mission challenge

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  2. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Cool thread!

    I'm sort of a sucker for playing long lasting missions that replicate the modern war on terror (talking to civilians gathering Intel, winning the hearts and minds of the people, missions start out as a slow burn mainly with patrolling, etc).

    That said, some of the ideas in thread are already very cool! Just please, no Altis or Stratis! :)

    I'll look forward to playing whatever you come up with and thanks for doing this.

  3. @SavageCDN Seeing as you have the Nimitz and F18 mods why not do a mission where you have a human CAS and a group or two of human spotters, etc? Full map war raging and the players have to find targets and call in support to eliminate them.

    Or all players are in a 'support' role, aiding the AI in taking objectives, etc.

    Yes this could work very well in coop, in SP i think this could be a little eh...well.. I dont think ai could take of/land from/on Nimitz, so that would be a problem. And playing as a cas role would be a little imersion breaker, unless we get a option to define roles in a module so that players get tasks based what role they are playing as. f.x auto task for destroy vehicles, bombing an area, take out infantry as a cas role in this case. Il think of something.

    @noonanamous I tend to run quite similar missions, small covert units setting up OPs and acting as recon to find and mark targets for drone or direct action attacks, however I don't really have the time to get into the scripting side of things too much so the missions tend to lack in the way of ambience and immersion, ends up being a little bit too much in the way of patrolling through kilometres of empty terrain. A solid mission of that type that runs well for that number of players and those mods but with more ambience and immersion would be pretty awesome. Even if anyone else has recommendations for similar missions already out there that aren't super mod intensive as many of them seem to be.

    I have never played alive this way, but a very good idea. You don't need to be good at scripting with alive. All the cool stuff and functions is already in the mod! You just need to experment with the modules to get the desired outcome. I will be adding ambience on the right places, but not too much. Its impacting performance alot.

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  Cool thread!

    I'm sort of a sucker for playing long lasting missions that replicate the modern war on terror (talking to civilians gathering Intel, winning the hearts and minds of the people, missions start out as a slow burn mainly with patrolling, etc).

    That said, some of the ideas in thread are already very cool! Just please, no Altis or Stratis! :)

    I'll look forward to playing whatever you come up with and thanks for doing this.

    Why not Altis and Stratis? Alive works best on those:-) (not performance wise tough) Asymetrical is fun...But i already have one in the works, its almost done, but due to issues with leigths opfor pack, its not working very well atm. If you want to try it, feel free to do so. Ill post it here later tonight...

  4. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Yeah I'd love to try it. You could always replace Leights if it's giving you issues with CAF or Massi's new Middle Eastern Warfare. I use CAF a lot and it works great for me. I hear the most updated Leights causes problems with ALiVE anyway.

    Why no Altis or Stratis? Simple. I've spent way too much time on the default BIS maps. I want to travel the world! :)

  5. Edited 9 years ago by Brawler

    Alright here is the mission, its called Battleground Takistan, and it is inspired from a little of everything from Movies, series and real life events in the middle east.

    Required mods:
    iA terrain pack:
    RHS Escalation:
    Leights opfor pack:

    Ive tweaked it a bit, and done some simple testing and it don't apear to be any problems anymore. If you find something, please let me know. Its still beta:)


  6. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Sweet thread idea

    btw, and maybe it's just me, but the mod links don't seem to work properly (dropbox works fine though).

  7. Still wanting to do my Al Rayak mission....need to be a little bit larger on the player side since it is COOP and loaded with all kinds of goodness.

  8. @Nichols Still wanting to do my Al Rayak mission....need to be a little bit larger on the player side since it is COOP and loaded with all kinds of goodness.

    I've never played on Al Rayak! If you finish it up, I'd love to play it!

  9. @SpyderBlack723 Sweet thread idea

    btw, and maybe it's just me, but the mod links don't seem to work properly (dropbox works fine though).

    I messed up something with the links, im on my way to work, cant fix it atm. Use google in the meantime:-)

  10. Deleted 9 years ago by Brawler
  11. Brawler, the Takistan mission is great! I spent two hours with it. I'll be back with some impressions in the morning (I should have went to bed an hour ago. LOL!).

    Good job so far.

  12. @HeroesandvillainsOS  Brawler, the Takistan mission is great! I spent two hours with it. I'll be back with some impressions in the morning (I should have went to bed an hour ago. LOL!).

    Good job so far.

    Thanks, glad you liked it:) but please send me a PM on the BI forums, on feedback and qustions regarding Battleground Takistan, its off topic in this tread.

    Thanks in advance

  13. Brawler, I just decided to include you in a private conversation here. Log in and you'll see it.

    Any thoughts on what the mystery Christmas mission might be? I kinda always wanted a nice ALiVE mission set US against the Russians on a snowy map. Spookwarcom (brilliant mod!) has a stupidly easy to use snow option in his CORE module, just FYI.

    I know, not the most original idea but I always wanted a winter mission.

  14. Not yet, but i think it will be on chernarus, with us invade russians after a event in Syria or something like that...but i havent decided for anything atm.

  15. something something Santa mod

  16. Lol hmmm...

  17. Ummm yeah...

    No. LOL Spyder.

  18. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    but but..

  19. I...I um...I...

    I'm speechless. There's actually 12 people playing it. LOL!

  20. @SpyderBlack723 but but..

    But but...maybe check this tread tomorrow:), no promises. Be carefull what you wish for Christmas...! Lol feeling evil


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