AI Teammates Location Persistence (SOLVED)

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  2. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Spyder. Hey man this script works amazingly. I have a question though and wonder if this just may be an issue with ALiVE and vehicle location persistence.

    So I just tested this. I played for one hour with a 3CB vehicle and another hour with a Massi UKSF vehicle. In both instances, I played the mission, got out of the vehicle and server saved and exited. In both instances, when I restarted the server, I spawned at my last know location (with my AI teammates which is awesome) but the vehicles I had used had disappeared.

    I keep hearing that it's "impossible" for vehicle location not to persist as long as you enter and exit the vehicle, but I swear man I have everything that has the word persistence in it set to "yes" and vehicle persistence simply doesn't work with ALiVE. No matter the class, vehicles just vanish, literally vanish with ALiVE when you continue a mission.

    Is there any way around this with your script or ALiVE in general that you are aware of? I enter a vehicle. Exit. Restart the server and the vehicle is gone forever right now. With or without your script. No matter the mods.

    Now, all that said, these are vehicles that have been originally spawned wth your spawner module. If perhaps these are treated differently than manually placed vehicles, and not considered physical and salable objects with ALiVE, that could explain it. If you think it could be useful, I could definitely manually place some vehicles in my mission and try your script/server save and exit again.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Will need some good old testing probably when devs who know how to analyze persistence logs can look at it.

  4. Have you got the virtualise all units except synced enabled in the Virtual AI module? For some reason that stopped vehicle persistence for me. Had major issues with it for ages. Just started working when I switched the module setting to virtualise only synced units.

  5. I am using the virtualized all units except synced option. Strange. I'll try changing it.

    Will that kill performance though?

  6. Edited 9 years ago by incontinenetia

    Shouldn't do, unless you use a lot of manually placed units. In which case, just sync them to the module.

    Edit: this also seemed to fix the marker persistence issue weirdly. No idea why but there we go!

  7. Are you using any vehicle mods at all? I'm gonna test this later with Massi's UKSF vehicles and 3CB.

  8. Rhs but doesn't seem to matter too much.

  9. @incontinenetia Rhs but doesn't seem to matter too much.

    Yep! That solved it. I love you so much!!! LOL!

    This has to be a bug so hopefully a dev sees this thread. Thank you so so much! With Spyder's new AI teleport script this is a dream come true! Thanks guys!

  10. No worries mate. Spyder, if you're still reading this thread, is there any way to make your script for teammate spawning work if the player dies and respawns back at base? Long shot, but I am not a very good player and keep dying!

  11. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Like have them move back to base when you respawn?

    If so, in the root of your mission folder create a folder named onPlayerRespawn.sqf

    Inside that file put this code inside

    	if !(isPlayer _x) then {
    		_x setPos (getPos player);
    		sleep .5;
    } forEach units group player;
  12. Ah awesome, thank you Spyder! I actually tried to make that script on my own but fucked it up. Cheers buddy, really appreciate all the help you've given me.

  13. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Could someone take a look at my files if they have a second? I currently have the script working when I restart the server (it saves my location and my AI teammates teleport to my location) but when I die, I'm respawning at my current position.

    I have respawn= "Base" so I'm not sure what I'm missing or if that's wrong. Perhaps I have the onPlayerRespawn.sqf provided in this thread set up wrong?

    EDIT: I forgot to place the respawn_west marker editor. I'll just go ahead and smack myself now. :)

  14. Hello buddy. Sorry it took a while. Try using respawn = 3; rather than respawn = base; in your description.ext.

  15. Hey man I appreciate they reply!

    Yes I just made that switch. Haven't tested it yet but you and I were thinking the same thing. :)

  16. In theory either should work but you know..... Arma.....

  17. I forgot to place the freaking respawn_west marker. LOL! We are all good now.

  18. For whatever reason, the script in here that teleports the AI to my position on mission load and respawn is only teleporting some of my AI teammates, not all.

    It's weird.

    Is anyone using this having any luck with it or made any adjustments they could share with me?

  19. Not having any dramas with it at all. Should work well in theory. Are you using any medical scripts at all?

  20. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I was using a medical script but removed it (Automedic. And it wasn't working in MP). I'll definitely double check.

    Long shot but if I were to link you to a PBO, would you be willing to look through the scripts and sqf's to make sure I have everything in order (you know, the semi-colons and all the junk. I'm not asking for anyone to review the modules in the editor any anything. Just the mission text files)? I'll gladly donate to a PayPal account if you have one. I have four templates which are identical in every way other than the mission.sqf. I've been having some strange issues especially when respawning and feel like one of my files may be set up wrong. I'm sure I messed up a comma or something or have something in the wrong order in the init.sqf (etc).

  21. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    You know what, here's one. If anyone cares to take a look I'd appreciate it (again, I'd just like the scripts and sqf's looked at. Though if you'd like to see it in the editor the readme is wrong. I now use AiA). They can PM me their PayPal which would be my pleasure just to get a second set of eyes on it.

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