Server Not Showing Up On War-Room

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by bassam

    My situation is, I am hosting a dedicated server using steamCMD and TADST to run the server off my PC. I have installed @ALiVE, @CBA, @ALiVEserver, @task_force_radio. I host my server and other people can join it and play with me on ALiVE missions with the ALiVE modules installed and running. When we play the modules work perfectly fine but when i go check to see the war room or our operations they are not showing a record or even if we are playing. I have read through on how to install the server correctly and i have re-downloaded everything related to the server to see if it fixed that but it did not. I noticed that it only shows up 5 sessions and 1 operation but they were never showed live on the War-Room.

    My main problem here is: The server wont connect to War-Room.

  2. Friznit

    18 Jan 2016 Administrator

    Check the IP. If you're running of your own PC it's likely to change from time to time.

  3. Also your server's RPT file will log if it cannot connect to the War Room (or other persistence issues). Double-check your IP as Fritz mentioned and if you still have issues please post the server's RPT file and alive.log (found in root A3 directory and @aliveserver folders).

  4. Edited 9 years ago by bassam!gcpwCbQC
    here is the log @SavageCDN
    here is the rpt!FQoWwBTK

  5. It's asking me for a decryption key before I can download those files....

  6. Key for the .txt = !zXGBkF6uenap1s6ANzvIX9OaTzsxcpVua_Kt7oRmuzU
    Key for the .rpt !rwEotSN8bWByFIl643hHXociintgRP54t2aEG_i3Ac8

  7. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Sorry to bump this; didn't feel like starting a new thread.

    Does Microsoft C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable needed for persistence come with Windows 10? For whatever reason, it simply will not download for me.

    Had to reset my PC yesterday and I'm all set up except for that.

    Generally when you already have something, the link will successfully download but then tell you you don't need it. The official link just spins and spins and never successfully even tries. Not sure what's going on there TBH.

  8. Edited 8 years ago by SavageCDN

    Are you downloading the 'web installer'? ie: it is a small download which basically just connects you to MS to download the actual software? If so try looking for the "full version" and installing that instead. This is a common issue with the DirectX web installer and certain systems... perhaps the same holds true for this.

    edit: Bassam - if you are still experiencing this problem please let me know.. I think your post got lost in the noise of this forum.

  9. @SavageCDN Are you downloading the 'web installer'? ie: it is a small download which basically just connects you to MS to download the actual software? If so try looking for the "full version" and installing that instead. This is a common issue with the DirectX web installer and certain systems... perhaps the same holds true for this.

    edit: Bassam - if you are still experiencing this problem please let me know.. I think your post got lost in the noise of this forum.

    I'm not sure. I'm using the link you guys have on War Room. Could your link me to an alternative download?

    I never had a problem before. I've set persistence up like 5 items now. But for whatever reason, the link won't work.

  10. Hmm...doesn't seem to be a web installer for that package. Try these direct links:

    MSVC 2010 SP1 Redist x86 English

    MSVC 2010 SP1 Redist x64 English

  11. Hey thanks Savage. It actually worked when I tried it when I got home after work...

    And then I found out I didn't need it. :) It must come stock on Windows 10 Home.


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