So what would it take for single player saving?

  1. 9 years ago

    So I'm looking into possibly doing a long term AliVe single player mission. However, if possible I would like to do this strictly in a offline format. So exactly how much juice would I need to make it possible to save?

  2. Cannot be done in an 'offline' format. At the very least you need a static IP (or be willing to update your War Room account each time it changes), and a connection to the ALiVE War Room.

    If you were around for Arma 2 and MSO then you might remember you could install mySQL and create your own local database, but for various reasons this was changed in A3 ALiVE to a cloud-based back end.

  3. Silentghoust, JCAE2798 over on BIS forums released a series of SP ALiVE missions called "The Hunt." Perhaps he might be someone to ask about which modules and features he found useful in an offline only experience.

  4. Edited 9 years ago by silentghoust

    Yea I like his missions. But my goal is slightly different. I wan't to create a war that has very few scripted objectives and elements. Basically, I wan't to focus on the narrative part of AliVe so many groups create. Only in a strict single player format, with limited soldiers to play at and limited assets. I wan't players to be very attached to their AI and with that a very challenging but rewarding mission. I wouldn't mind doing it on a server, but several custom mods I have are just built for single player.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I think it can go very well. I play ALiVE by myself (with AI teammates) on my server every single day. :)

    Please share your web series when you get it up and running!

    Edit: I just saw your edit and now I'm thinking you may not even need ALiVE to accomplish your goal. I hear DAC and MCC can populate your mission for SP play (though I've never used either).

    Either way you have a cool idea. I look forward to whatever you come up with!


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